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Topics - Morgul

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General Discussion / Sounds Yummy...
« on: August 01, 2006, 09:00:36 pm »
This sounds yummy:

(Taken from Schlock Mercinary: )

Note: those readers who have, against all reason, developed a hankering for a chupaqueso will be happy to know that it's possible to make one. You will need a good teflon skillet, a fairly sharp teflon spatula, some sharp cheddar, some fresh parmesan, and some Monterey Jack cheese.

   1. Grate about a half-cup of cheddar and a half-cup of jack.
   2. Heat the skillet, and spread the cheddar evenly in the pan. You should have an eight-inch diameter circle of grated cheese, with a little bit of pan showing through here and there.
   3. As the pan gets hotter the cheese will obviously melt. Then it will toast, and you'll get cheese-grease floating on top of melted cheddar, itself on top of a layer of crusty toasted cheddar.
   4. Start lifting around the edges with the spatula. You'll soon reach a point (you'll know, trust me) when the structural integrity of the crusty-toasty cheese allows you to flip the whole thing over.
   5. (Speaking of "over," this is often the point where you'll get frustrated and decide to start over.)
   6. After toasting side two for a moment, flip it again so the "smooth" side is down, and the recently toasted side is up.
   7. You now have a cheese shell sizzling in a puddle of cheese grease. It's still flexible, but much longer and it won't be, so you'll have to work fast. Add the Jack cheese and a sprinkle of parmesan, and then tri-fold the cheddar-shell around it.
   8. Slide it out of the pan onto your plate. It's called a "chupaqueso" either because you can suck (chupa) the cheese (queso) out of the middle as you crunch away, or because this cheese (queso) thing you made sucks (chupa).

For added flavor you might try adding cooked-and-crumbled bacon with the jack and parmesan. In this case you'll end up with a chupaqueso con tocino, or, as it's often pronounced in my house, "chupaqueso con SWEET TRADER OF PORK BELLIES THERE'S BACON IN THIS THING chomp chomp AAARGH I BURNED MY MOUTH slurp gulp chomp."

Developers Journal / interesting thoughts...
« on: August 01, 2006, 03:17:42 pm »

Precursors Artwork / Random idea...
« on: July 31, 2006, 03:09:41 pm »
I would like someone to do up an 'advertisement poster'. It's for Arclight Industries. They produce Plasma Cannons... both handheld, and ship-based.

Here's what I want:

Arclight Industries: "Providing a Higher Class of Destruction...

... for the little guy."

Standing in the bottom of the poster is a Miniturized (chibi?) Mercinary holding a oversized (read GIANT) ship-based plasma cannon, and smiling like  Christmas just came early, and he's going to go 'share' his 'gift' in a spirit of 'warmth'. (Blood's warm, right?)

So, whatcha think? Anyone wanna have fun with this?


General Discussion / Proof that anything really is possible...
« on: July 21, 2006, 07:17:44 pm »
I read this post by visiting a link that said:

"By Occam's Razor, it is simpler to generate every possible universe than any one arbitrary universe."

Here's the post.

I dunno, I enjoyed it.


General Announcements / Development Release 0.3.4 build 967
« on: July 18, 2006, 08:09:33 pm »
That's right, a new, windows development release! There are plenty of bugs in this one, but it's better than nothing. Networking is, well, messed up thanks to RakNet, and the GUI doesn't quite work as expected. Both issues will be addressed in the next dev release.

Download it at:


I have offically granted NeoLithic the position of GNE Webmaster, and HEad of the Public Relations department. Please welcome him, and introduce yourself if you've not already.

Now, what does this mean? Well, it means the news on the site will get updated more often. It also means that we're going to get a bunch of traffic in the next few days.

As far as the website redesign, and everything, Neolithic is the webmaster. He's not the web designer. I don't know his html skills, but think of him as a manager for web related stuff. he's not going to be coding the site, he's going to be working with the content on it. So, basically, nothing's changed, except for more frequent updates.

Precursors Artwork / Random Graphic Idea:
« on: July 09, 2006, 07:08:03 pm »
Seeing as how the Precursors Logo has been seeing some attention, (thanks Neolithic) I thought I'd throw in a random idea.

Ok, picture cat eyes (with the vertical slits). Now, imagine them reflecting the precursors logo. (Whitelynx's idea.)

Now, imagine doing a trailer, with a shadowed face, and these eyes with vertical slits opening, the logo reflecting. They blink once, you hear an animal like growl, and then the face pulls back into complete shadow, only leaving the eyes, then just the logos, which merge into one, and "The Seventh Game: Precursors" appears.

Sure, this needs some work from a cinimatic perspective (Cae, ya mind? :-p), but I think it would work. What's even better is the fact that we can use a Grey as the character. (Their eyes are rather unique, and can be slited, but are most assuredly not the stereotypical cat eyes.)

Whatcha think?

General Announcements / Forum/Website Maintanence...
« on: July 06, 2006, 01:58:03 pm »
We're going to be working on the site, and on the forums over the course of the next week, or so. Things may break, and may go fruity. We respectfully ask you to deal with it. :-p


--The Management.

General Discussion / Building the New Adidas.
« on: July 05, 2006, 10:17:52 am »
Ok, well it looks like I'm going to be in a position to financially back the building od the New Adidas machine that we want to put in the datacenter our webhost currently has. But, regardless of all that, we need to settle on hardware for it.

Here's an amazing case that I want to go with regardless of anything else:

Here's the MB I wanna go with:

Here's a wiki on putting gentoo on it:

So, how about we talk processors?
Two of these should work nicely:
Especially with this cooling:

Now, Ram.

(We can add more later. The MB supports up to 24 GBs.)

Now, finally, drive
Two of these:
Oh, and a cheap DVD drive:

So, how about we total this?


Not too shabby for the most kickass server I've seen in a long time. Oh, and we might sping for a slower, larger SATA drive to augment the smaller 74gig ones. That would be about $200 more (for a 500GB drive)

Precursors Artwork / Post your Desktop!
« on: June 06, 2006, 02:29:09 pm »
Well, I figured I'd show off my sweet Desktop setup in linux. Got a nice desktop too? Post a screenshot! Who knows, we might have a vote! ;)

Anyway, here's mine:

General Discussion / Life, what ya gunna do?
« on: June 04, 2006, 09:19:53 pm »
Well, here's a little game I've come up with (inspired by Mikey). Let's see what kind of answers we can get for the following question:

Life, what ya gunna do?

Here's my responces, to start the ball rolling:

1) Redeemer to the face, wait for respawn.
2) Hack the source code
3) Wait for Life v2.0

Precursors Artwork / Terran Cruiser
« on: May 31, 2006, 06:05:25 pm »
Well, Neo's work inspired me to do a little modeling of my own. Here's a preview.

(It's a shot of one of two large ion engine exhaust ports of this massive vessel.)

More to come!

General Discussion / Networking Preview Release on it's way!
« on: May 18, 2006, 09:39:19 pm »
Sorry it's taken a while to get this out the door, however we've put a bunch of work into it, and only *just* got it working in windows.

As of right now, we simple have to package everything up. What you will notice in this release is:

1) The ability to start a server
2) The ability to start a client (who needs to connect to a server)
3) The ability to ram into each other!!!!!!

That's about it, really. We've done some map changes, and so many other things that I don't want to bother with listing it all. I will let you all know when it's up. I'm pretty excited.


Precursors / General Update
« on: May 08, 2006, 12:38:44 am »
I figured it was about time for an update on what we've been doing, since it seems like our releases have gone down the tubes.So, here's the scoop.

Windows Problems: We're still having linking problems on windows. Translation: Game won't run until we sort out what's wrong with our networking library. I'm *really* tempted to ditch this one, and go for another one. We're (slowly) working on it.

Networking: Networking works like a dream... on linux. It's seriously some of the smoothest networking I've ever seen. It's awesome. Flying around and slamming into people is waaaaaay cooler than I thought it would be.

Targeting: Well, we're getting targeting into the game. Pretty soon you'll be able to select stuff, tell where it is in the game, and possibly even be able to get important information about your target. After that, we'll be working on capital ship movement, AND the Fleet Commander mode where you can command more than one ship at a time. (RTS-style controls.) It will be wicked fun.

Coming up in the next few weeks might even be combat of a sort. We'll have to see what we can come up with. Things are looking bright for the summer. My goal is to get some basic FPS and RTS gameplay in by August, along with combat and network chat. From there we'll focus on charachter creation, expanding the world some, and maybe even do subspace. Artwork will then be a bigger priority. Once we reach that stage, we'll have to actually start designing the character interaction and MMO gameplay aspects, along with refining combat in all three modes. Initially though, it's going to be like a giant deathmatch till we can give characters something to do other than fight. *shrugs*


Precursors Artwork / NS_WildFire
« on: April 26, 2006, 12:26:19 am »
This is a Natural Selection map Dave and I are working on. I know it's dim, but it looks a bit brighter in game.

General Discussion / Well, atleast we know it works....
« on: April 20, 2006, 08:35:31 am »
You all will get a kick out of this.

...atleast they know it works. Kinda.

Precursors / Precursors Timeline
« on: April 18, 2006, 12:54:01 am »
Since I have a need for a timeline, I figured I'd make it public. This will be a work in progress, so be patient.

 - Super String Theory leads to the theory of Subspace.

 - WWIII starts.

 - WWIII ends.

 - Mars Colony Established. Huge Colony Push.

 - Subspace Travel experimentally proven.

 - First longrange contact with other lifeforms established.

 - First Colonies outside of the Solar System established, 5 by United States alone.

 - First Subspace Flight

 - NorAellians make contact, Subspace Drive Schematics given.

 - WWIV Starts.

 - US Loses WWIV. (Moves to 7 Former US Colonies).
 - League of United Worlds created.

 - First GunShip Prototyped.

 - GunShip production started.

 - Nikita Fighter Released.

 - Deuce Fighter Release. Nikita recommisioned as longrange scout.

 - Lizbeth Locke: Lunch with Caenus
 - The Praetorian: Birth of a Warrior

 - Prelude (of the novel)
 - Everyday Heros (David becomes captain of the Archigos I)

 -Euphoream: The Valden Chronicles

 - Chapter 1 (of the novel)

 - Archigos II is commisioned

Characters / [Canon]: David Case
« on: April 17, 2006, 02:05:02 am »
David Case
by Christopher S. Case

Full Name:  David Douglas Case
Race:  Half Sooni
Gender:  Male
Age:  27
Height:  5'11"
Weight:  182 lbs
Eye Color:  Hazel
Hair Color:  Dark Brown
Heritage:  League
Affiliation:  League (Captain, LN Archigos II)

Personality: David is quiet, friendly, and tends to come off more as a big brother then as a commander. It's not that he doesn't have a commanding presence; quite the opposite in fact. He just tends to be more informal than most in a leadership position. He feels that the more you make a group feel like family, the more they will treat each other as such, and the better they will work. Considering his brilliant career, his philosophy seems to work.

The other side to David's personality comes when he is forced to drop the mask of civility he wears. Beneath is is a cool, calculating genius. He focuses his determination towards a goal, and will not back down until he's achieved it. He may change tactics, sometimes leaving his goal alone for months, before coming back to it, but he will never give up until he's achieved his objective. This is what makes him such a brilliant commander... and such a frightening individual.

Quirks: David often has difficulty feeling compassion. As such, he doesn't empathize well with those under his command. He tends to be the type of person that you would come to in order to solve a problem, but not someone you'd like to just hear you out. Sometimes, he misses everything you were saying and just cryptically gives you and answer that, later, was exactly what you needed to hear. Most people don't bother coming to him just to chat, which puts a wall between him and everyone around him.

A minor quirk that most people don't notice is that David tends not to touch anyone, when avoidable. He doesn't go out of his way, but this lack of human contact is extremely telling about who and what he is. He is consciously separating himself from those around him, and taking a step back from his humanity. He views himself as separate, and it shows.

Focus: David's focus ability is one of the rarest, and most powerful. It shares ties with Lizbeth's but is even more firmly rooted in his Sooni Heritage. He can feel and manipulate the threads of time. If he so chose, he can reopen old wounds, he can delay a killing blow hours or even days. He can even influence future events, helping to force one particular outcome over another. His focus is more about knowing the past present and future then it is about controlling it, however. Still, some of his abilities dwarf those of even the Overseers. Especially since he is one of the few focus users who were never trained by the Overseers. They have refused to recruit him as an agent, or to kill him. No one is quite sure why.

History: David was born to a human father, Admiral Case and a Sooni mother. He was very close to his sister, Glyse, and to his mother. However, when he was 13 and had been accepted into the League Military Academy, his mother was killed. While officially, it was a pirate attack, David, Glyse and his father know the truth: she was killed because she was one of the only surviving members of the Sooni Government.

David's mother's death deeply affected Him. Instead of hardening him, or filling him with anger, it actually softened him. Her funeral showed him that one had to be respectful of death, and that how a person lives their life is just as important as what they did with it, sometimes more so. As he progressed in his skills and abilities, he began to understand how important this event had been to him. As such, he has always been exceedingly grateful to his mother for her sacrifice. She knew she was going to die, and why it was so important she did so.

David has had an unparalleled career. He was the youngest wing commander in League history, has an inhuman kill ratio in his fighter, and is the only person to ever be promoted across service branches. (He was promoted from Wing Commander to Captain.)

Featured in:

Wallpapers / DarkNorAel Sketch Desktop
« on: April 13, 2006, 01:30:00 pm »
This is the desktop I've been threatening to make. I really like it.

So far, these are the resolutions I've got:

1280x800 (Just for Cae!)

Any others people want?

« on: April 04, 2006, 10:21:41 pm »
Check out these screenshots. They show the first ever glimpse of a networked game of precursors... they are taken from the vantage point of my ship, looking at Dave's. No, it's not totally working yet, but we're getting close.


P.S. Dave says: "ZOMGROFLOLZORZW00T!!!! T3H NETW0R|<1N6 R0X0R5 MY B0X0R5!!!!!!1ONE!!"

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