« on: December 01, 2005, 11:18:21 am »
I definatively aggree that if there are to be taxes they HAVE to be automated and the filing process can be no harder then you recieve a bill on a very irregular baises stating what taxes are owed and you can pay them at you leasure before your due date. Otherwise the government can use the money that they have sucked in with thier sinks and place a large bounty on your head. I know that in my case as a player I would HATE having to spend time filing taxes on a game that I'm paying money for. I think that it may be simplest to use a sales tax, type idea where the tax you owe is simply subtracted on every purchase without your consent.
Also, For bounty hunting, I think it would be cool to create tools that make it simple for bounty hunters to find players. In several games that I've played I would love to take up the role of Bounty Hunter, but it's impossible to find people. You want the government that see's all and knows all to make this information avalible to registered bounty hunters, and these guys should of course have to pay thier fee's to be Bounty Hunters.
Ohh and for Real Estate, I love this idea! Obviously your charictar role as an indivdual in this game will not grant you enough power to control a single planet as in some other space games, But I think it would be cool if you could own a state on a planet... As in, we create many differant planets with specific states and attributes throughout this game and you corporately with your alliance/corporation and it's members purchase and maintain a state on planet where you can manufacture/mine trade goods, miltary vehicles, ect. possibly even the ships that players pilot. Any thoughts?
btw, if we are looking for somewhere to drop all of the credits that go down the sinks, My charictars account is always avalible. ;D