Last I heard, Nader is running.
I didn't like Romney as some one who I'd actually vote for in November. I just thought it was cool that there was a Mormon running. So basically, there is nothing intelligent in liking Romney.
Has anyone heard Obama talk lately??
I forget what it was about but he was being asked about why he hasn't come up with a plan for something knowing that McCain has already presented a plan. His response was...(I don't have the exact quote but this is close.)
"I've seen McCain's plan and I've said why I don't like it."
Well...this doesn't answer the question. Criticizing Republicans isn't going to do much if you are actually elected. You are going to have to come up with things ON YOUR OWN!!
But wait, there's more.
He was asked about the struggling economy and what is to blame.
His response... (Again, not an exact quote.)
"So many people are sending kids to college and it's hurting them financially."

So, in order to save or economy...Don't send kids to college?!?!?!?
Even when he was early in primaries...
I didn't think much of it and actually liked this but...
Everything he said seemed to be said ONLY in order to disagree with Hilary Clinton.
It's like all he does is tell you "this person sucks so you should pick me."
I know that this is how politics are but how far can it really go???
Ok, I feel like I'm building a mafia case and I don't want to end up "voting" (haha like in mafia...get it? ummm.....anyone???? hello????) for Obama so I'll stop now.
My point is I don't like what I hear when Obama talks...
I can't even imagine hearing him everywhere for the next 4 years...or worse....8 years.