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Messages - Xentither

Pages: [1]
Precursors Artwork / Re: Hud Concept 0.1
« on: August 12, 2006, 02:15:12 pm »
Woop! Yes, I haven't had a working copy of it in sooooooo long.
Much to my infinite dismay I seem to have lost every freakin jpg of my previous works somewhere. there shall be more, naturally, but a copy of Rhino would make me extra super warm and fuzzy inside.

Precursors Artwork / Re: Hud Concept 0.1
« on: August 12, 2006, 02:24:12 am »
R-H-I-N-O, R-H-I-N-O, R-H-I-N-O and Rhino was it's name-o

General Discussion / Re: Proof that anything really is possible...
« on: August 11, 2006, 11:36:13 pm »
well, as I've seen tossed around by any number of philosophies is that our sensation of reality is purely fabricated by our brain and the constructs it has built. miniscule differences in our particulate and molecular composition could have dramatic effects from one person to another, and i don't think anyone's really done the reasearch at such a fine scale to determine these differences. The ratio of chemicals and enzymes released from the rods and cones in your eyes could have any number of effects that are both undefined and impossible to prove the final outcome since your only source of information on the final conclusion is coming from someone who, invariably, has been trained from day one to register that particular enzyme release as green, blue, red, etc.

although, by using this same logic, we do know that all protein manufacture and it's variables is rooted in your DNA structure, and given the negligible differences between one strand of DNA to another's, I think it's safe to say that one person's red is also another person's red without too much tangible difference, except, of course, in cases of color blindness, and who, in the end, can really say what they're registering in lieu of those colors since, once again, their perception has been labeled from day one for communication purposes.

What should concern you is the use of color in commercial stimulation, such as restaurants using colors like peach, green, and red to inspire hunger in their patrons. The identification of color is one facet of the ultimate perception of color, what it does to the body, and tangible effects on our neuropathways and physiological changes that occur with their presence.

Precursors Artwork / Re: Terranian Voting districts.
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:54:49 pm »
what is the political flavor of the time(i.e. For the greater good, babies should be less smiley! etc.)

would extravagant adjectives be out of the question?

Precursors Artwork / Re: Hud Concept 0.1
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:51:36 pm »
a thought perhaps, that the hud should differ with the ship. A massive kick your ass frigate and a mini godi'mscared hopper aren't going to have the same cockpits, and in the end, if you want an immersive experiance, it needs to be modeled, and for special bonus happinesses, the displays should be holographic projections, not flat screen distractions.

Precursors Artwork / Re: Post your Desktop!
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:47:03 pm »

Precursors Artwork / Re: Source Files for Precursors Artwork
« on: August 11, 2006, 02:38:01 pm »


Precursors Artwork / Re: Random idea...
« on: August 11, 2006, 04:44:26 am »

<=== Pay me in karma

just me experimenting with gradient tools and filters in photoshop. Took me, like, 2 hours from start to finish, sadly enough.

Hey, I have excelent customer service abilities, this doesn't mean I allow stupidity to pass without the most subtle of admonishments. My wrath against the lazy is unmerciful.

General Discussion / Re: Proof that anything really is possible...
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:08:06 am »
I had thought of this as what I call "personal immortality" an individual experiance never ends, though the nature of it's beginnings are quite clouded, I had a train of thought that asserted human experiance to a sort of video game, an aeonic distraction. In the depths of our immortal soul there could never be a lack of boredom, I imagine much of immortality involves boredom, but at the same time, personal experiance asks questions like, why is one girl so beatiful in one person's eyes while in another she may be less than appealing. Varieties of opinion and the like tend to point to an idea that everyone is living in their own seperate universe, intelinked on this Giant MMO we call earth that shares a set of rules, but otherwise holds a boundless variance.

So, in a way, on all realms of possibility we are experianceing all stimuli at once for an infinite period of time, but naturally, this has to be simplified, given a condensed portion of time and later digested in full when our brains, minds, souls etc. are not so concerned with avoiding semi's on the street or hoping that the guy behind you at the ATM isn't going to mug you, all of which is it's own boundless experiance just waiting to be processed in full.

and in the end, we either find an end to this particular 'living' epoch and find 'true life' on a different level of existance with a different ruleset, or we reach a path where the wildest life extending measures are made and we go on indefinitely to satisfy whatever sensational desires we have to add to our experiance folders.

This is coupled with other theories i have and have head concerning a simultaneous non-parallelled cyclical existance, memory occlusion and the like.

Me personally I'd like to be the first multi-millenia cyborg. That would be fun.

Precursors Artwork / Re: Art Request: logo work
« on: August 10, 2006, 07:28:36 pm »
rawk, i will jump upon it with great ferocity...

But for the life of me i can't find the basic logo, Caenus showed me on his comp but I am helpless.

Post it and I shall fabricate variance.

Hi! I'm John, a spontaneous space-time eruption made sentient.

I work art, which means my job is to sit around and ask for art projects without realizing i have 50 others already. ;)

oh yeah, I know Caenus, I went from one job where he pushes me around to do menial labor to this one, a little less menial, not so much pushy.

I paint warhammer and make obnoxious comics. other than that I spend my time with the best acronyms ever, FPS and RTS.

Precursors Artwork / Re: Art Request: logo work
« on: August 10, 2006, 02:59:56 pm »

K, i gotta couple concepts that turn the precursors logo into a weapon, it that cool? do we want dried blood on the hand of the guy holding it? Or do we want something streamlined and suave like so many of the other logos?

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