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Messages - Corthos

Pages: 1 [2]
The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Just plain funny stuff.
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:44:36 pm »
New Computer Viruses You Should Know About

BOBBIT VIRUS: Removes a vital part of your hard disk then re-attaches it. (But that part will never work again.)

OPRAH WINFREY VIRUS: Your 200MB hard drive suddenly shrinks to 80MB, and then slowly expands back to 200MB.

AT&T VIRUS: Every three minutes it tells you what great service you are getting.

MCI VIRUS: Every three minutes it reminds you that you're paying too much for the AT&T virus.

PAUL REVERE VIRUS: This revolutionary virus does not horse around. It warns you of impending hard disk attack -- once if by LAN, twice if by C/:

POLITICALLY CORRECT VIRUS: Never calls itself a "virus," but instead refers to itself as an "electronic microorganism."

RIGHT TO LIFE VIRUS: Won't allow you to delete a file, regardless of how old it is. If you attempt to erase a file, it requires you to first see a counselor about possible alternatives.

ROSS PEROT VIRUS: Activates every component in your system, just before the whole damn thing quits.

MARIO CUOMO VIRUS: It would be a great virus, but it refuses to run.

TED TURNER VIRUS: Colorizes your monochrome monitor.

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER VIRUS: Terminates and stays resident. It'll be back.

DAN QUAYLE VIRUS #1: Prevents your system from spawning any child process without joining into a binary network.

DAN QUAYLE VIRUS #2: Their is sumthing rong wit your komputer, ewe jsut cant figyour out watt!

GOVERNMENT ECONOMIST VIRUS: Nothing works, but all your diagnostic software says everything is fine.

NEW WORLD ORDER VIRUS: Probably harmless, but it makes a lot of people really mad just thinking about it.

FEDERAL BUREAUCRAT VIRUS: Divides your hard disk into hundreds of little units, each of which does practically nothing, but all of which claim to be the most important part of your computer.

GALLUP VIRUS: Sixty percent of the PCs infected will lose 38 percent of their data 14 percent of the time (plus or minus a 3.5 percent margin or error).

TEXAS VIRUS: Makes sure that it's bigger than any other file.

ADAM AND EVE VIRUS: Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple computer.

CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS #1: The computer locks up, screens splits erratically with a message appearing on each half blaming the other side for the problem.

CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS #2: Runs every program on the hard drive simultaneously but doesn't allow the user to accomplish anything.

AIRLINE VIRUS: You're in Dallas, but your data is in Singapore.

FREUDIAN VIRUS: Your computer becomes obsessed with marrying its own motherboard.

PBS VIRUS: Your computer stops every few minutes to ask for money.

ELVIS VIRUS: Your computer gets fat, slow and lazy, then self-destructs -- only to resurface at shopping malls and service stations across rural America.

OLLIE NORTH VIRUS: Causes your printer to become a paper shredder.

SEARS VIRUS: Your data won't appear unless you buy new cables, power supply and a set of shocks.

JIMMY HOFFA VIRUS: Your programs can never be found again.

KEVORKIAN VIRUS: Helps your computer shut down as an act of mercy.

IMELDA MARCOS VIRUS: Sings you a song (slightly off key) on boot-up, then subtracts money from your Quicken account and spends it all on expensive shoes it purchases through Prodigy.

STAR TREK VIRUS: Invades your system in places where no virus has gone before.

HEALTH CARE VIRUS: Tests your system for a day, finds nothing wrong and sends you a bill for $4,500.

GEORGE BUSH VIRUS: It starts by boldly stating, "Read my docs ... no new files!" on the screen. It proceeds to fill up all the free space on your hard drive with new files, then blames it on the Congressional Virus.

NEW YORK JETS VIRUS: Makes your 486/50 machine perform like a 286/AT.

LAPD VIRUS: It claims it feels threatened by the other files on your PC and erases them in "self-defense."

CHICAGO CUBS VIRUS: Your PC makes frequent mistakes and comes in last in the reviews, but you still love it.

ORAL ROBERTS VIRUS: Claims that if you don't send it a million dollars, its programmer will take it back.

O.J. VIRUS: It claims that it did not, could not and would not delete two of your files and vows to find the virus that did it.

PETA VIRUS: Turns all your files loose on the network.

SPOTTED OWL VIRUS: Effectively eliminates several hundred batch-files that are important only to a small region of the network.

KKK VIRUS: Turns your color monitor to white (just white).

ROBIN WILLIAMS VIRUS: So effective, other virii refuse to follow it.

WILLIAM SHATNER VIRUS: Will not become effective unless it can direct. Even then, it's not effective, but writes volumes of trash to your hard drive.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Just plain funny stuff.
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:38:40 pm »
This thread is for all the random funny crap you find that cant fit anywhere else here.

15 new words

1) Arachnoleptic fit (n.) The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

2) Beelzebug (n.) Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at 3 in the morning and cannot be cast out.

3) Bozone (n.) The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

4) Cashtration (n.) The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

5) Caterpallor (n.) The color you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you're eating.

6) Decaflon (n.) The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

7) Dopelar effect (n.) The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when you come at them rapidly.

8) Extraterrestaurant (n.) An eating place where you feel you've been abducted and experimented upon. Also known as an ET-ry.

9) Faunacated (adj.) How wildlife ends up when its environment is destroyed. Hence faunacatering (v.), which has made a meal of many species.

10) Foreploy (n.) Any misrepresentation or outright lie about yourself that leads to sex.

11) Grantartica (n.) The cold, isolated place where art companies dwell without funding.

12) Hemaglobe (n.) The bloody state of the world.

13) Intaxication (n.) Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

14) Kinstirpation (n.) A painful inability to move relatives who come to visit.

15) Lullabuoy (n.) An idea that keeps floating into your head and prevents you from drifting off to sleep.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Blonde Moments
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:27:44 pm »
Glossary Of Blonde Medicine

- A -

Artery: Study Of Paintings

- B -

Bacteria: Back Door To A Cafeteria
Barium: What Doctors Do When Treatment Fails
Benign: What You Be After You Be Eight
Bowel: A Letter Like A, E, I, O Or U

- C -

Caesarean Section: A District In Rome
Cat Scan: Searching For Kitty
Cauterize: Made Eye Contact With Her
Colic: A Sheep Dog
Coma: A Punctuation Mark
Congenital: Friendly

- D -

Dnc: Where Washington Is
Dilate: To Live Long

- E -

Enema: Not A Friend

- F -

Fester: Quicker

- G -

Genital: Non-jewish
G.i. Series: Soldier Ball Game
Grippe: Suitcase

- H -

Hangnail: Coat Hook
High Colonic: Jewish Religious Holiday

- I -

Impotent: Distinguished, Well Known

- L -

Labor Pain: Getting Hurt At Work

- M -

Medical Staff: Doctor's Cane
Morbid: Higher Offer

- N -

Nitrate: Cheaper Than A Day Rate
Node: Was Aware Of

- O -

Outpatient: Person Who Has Fainted

- P -

Pap Smear: Fatherhood Test
Pelvis: Cousin Of Elvis
Post Operative: Letter Carrier
Prostate: Flat On Your Back

- R -

Recovery Room: Place To Do Upholstery
Rectum: Dang Near Killed Him
Rheumatic: Amorous

- S -

Secretion: Hiding Something
Seizure: Roman Emperor

- T -

Tablet: A Small Table
Terminal Illness: Getting Sick At The Airport
Tibia: Country In North Africa
Tumor: More Than One

- U -

Urine: Opposite Of You're Out

- V -

Varicose: Near By

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Funny acronyms
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:26:02 pm »
Accelerates Under Demonic Influence
Always Unsafe Designs Implemented

Be My Wife
Beautiful Mechanical Wonder
Big Money Works
Bought My Wife
Break My Windows
Brutal Money Waster
Business, Money and Woman

Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer

Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips
Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time

Damn Old Dirty Gas Eater
Drips Oil, Drops Grease Everywhere

Failure in Italian Automotive Technology
Fix It All the Time
Fix It Again, Tony!

backwards --> Driver Returns On Foot
Fault Of R & D
Fast Only Rolling Downhill
Features O.J. and Ron's DNA
First On Recall Day
First On Rust and Deterioration
Fix Or Repair Daily
Found On Road, Dead
Found On Russian Dump

General Maintenance

Garage Man's Companion
Got a Mechanic Coming?

Had One Never Did Again
Happy Owners Never Drive Anything else.

Hope You Understand Nothing's Driveable And Inexpensive . . .

Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along

Old Ladies Driving Slowly Make Others Behind Infuriatingly Late Every day.
Overpriced, Leisurely Driven Sedan Made Of Buick's Irregular Leftover equipment

Possibly the Riskiest Option to Travel On-road Nowadays.

Send Another Automobile Back
Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown.

Too Often Yankees Overprice This Auto

Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object

Virtually Worthless

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Funny acronyms
« on: June 20, 2008, 12:51:58 pm »
Minesweeper Consultant and Solitaire Expert

Mediocre But Arrogant

Piled High and Deep

I Blame Microsoft

World Wide Wait

Another Technical Mistake

Defunct Operating System

Bill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control

It Still Does Nothing

Lots of Infuriating and Silly Parentheses

Do Expect Cuts

Constant Acquisitions

Plug 'n' Pray

Pretty Cheap

Consumer Device, Rendered Obsolete in Months

Obsolete Soon, Too.

System Can't See It

Fortunately Our Readers Take Refreshers At Nightschool.

People Can't Memorize Computer Industrial Acronyms

Most Applications Crush; If Not, The Operating System Hangs

Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity

Mac Imitation from a Corrupt Roguish Organization Selling Only Faulty Technology

Wholly Inadequate Needless Damned Outrageous Waste of Space

Replace The Fan Motor

Poetry / Untitled
« on: June 20, 2008, 08:32:01 am »
When the night is dark, but for the glow if the moon and the sparkle of the stars, there is a sadness which lifts the heart. I feel the hopes of the day and the sorrows of life lift from me, and I rejoice. Life sings to me a song that is mixed with a happiness and a bitterness that allows a dream. The dream itself is of little consequence, for it is only the chance that matters.
For this, and more, I am thankfull.

Poetry / Could be worse...
« on: June 20, 2008, 08:23:12 am »
In the darkness Orion calls
Ride the moon and come to me-
And here I sit 'neath the stars
Writing with a purple pen...
Could be worse-
           Could be

General / Re: KFA: Keep Forgetting Abreviations?
« on: June 17, 2008, 09:12:02 am »
it is a word, google it.

General / Re: KFA: Keep Forgetting Abreviations?
« on: June 17, 2008, 09:11:19 am »
Damn Good Yttrium


Poetry / Walls of Pain
« on: June 17, 2008, 08:47:01 am »
Within my walls, have I been safe.
To wrestle with the pain.
Hiding behind quiet smiles,
Or anger, now and then.
The pain at first, you simply feel.
You learn it with your soul.
In time you learn to stand apart,
To hold the pain at bay.
Now in the wall, a crack appears.
A steam of light spills through.
And in the warmth the light brings,
A quiet strenght now grows.
In this new strength, you change the pain,
And tumble down the walls.

General / Re: KFA: Keep Forgetting Abreviations?
« on: June 15, 2008, 09:30:01 pm »

Very Common Joke


General / Re: KFA: Keep Forgetting Abreviations?
« on: June 15, 2008, 05:55:06 pm »
Virgin Assassin Bureau


General / KFA: Keep Forgetting Abreviations?
« on: June 15, 2008, 10:14:57 am »
Ok, I just go an idea for a game to play on here. It is simple: someone posts a short line of random letters(abreviations), like this:


And the other posters come up with funny, strange, disturbing, or just plain wrong things they could stand for:

Tyranosaurus Underwear Repair

Untill we cant think of anything else.

For those who care, this idea came from here; G33X Nexus Entertainment : Art Department  : Precursors Artwork (Moderators: whitelynx, Morgul) : Topic: Prometheus Space Station

I will start.


General / Re: CALVINBALL!!!
« on: May 18, 2008, 09:26:52 pm »
 :hobbes: Hobbes Grabs the staff of Bad A$$ Mother F@#ker-y and teleports, *BAMF* grabbing the ball, then teleports *BAMF* into the Mutant Gift Zone, netting 5 points for the little used "Blue and Furry" rule.

Poetry / Dragons Soar
« on: May 15, 2008, 09:04:49 pm »
Dragons soar...
And my soul goes with them.
My breath catches,
My heart is racing.
Surely, this is joy.
I listen...
And I can hear them sing.
I ride with them,
And I am truly free.
My entire being is alive,
With music and light.
Colors unimaginable,
Enfold me in glowing warmth.
Always, I will be here.
Because dragons soar...
And my soul goes with them.

Poetry / Re: Missing
« on: May 15, 2008, 08:57:31 pm »
Thank you very much for your words. As time goes on, i will post more of my sad excuses for poetry. Also, i have introduced my self in the Mafia Mod Queue, so you can find out my story there. thank you again for your kind words.

Poetry / Missing
« on: May 15, 2008, 12:40:19 pm »
Something is missing,
I am missing you.
Urgently, I listen for you.
The quiet is far too loud.
My eyes are waiting
For sight of your face.
Emptiness surrounds me,
Standing amid life's clutter.
My space is longing
For you to invade.
Yes, something is missing,
I am missing you.

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