Mebbe it is mebbe it isnt, youll never kno......
Feel free to ignore Windshipper, we all do.

Mod edit: This is a silly thing to do. Ignore the Trajan.
Other Mod edit: Windshipper, get out of Trajan's head. It's crowded enough in there.
Best Mod edit: Caenus, I was the original voice in his head. BEGONE SATAN!
Jesus edit: I am the way. BEGONE FALSE PROPHET!!
God edit: Boy, I told you to go back to your room and think about what you've done
Trajan edit: You Guys are both fags, and Wind, I am the voice in
your head.
Wind edit: Huh? Was that the breeze I heard?
Voice 1: Did he just call me a fag? How dare he! I'm not a fag, I'm just his latent homosexuality taking root.
Hetero Edit: Latent? Shit son, it's a full blown firestorm. I try to fight it back, but good lord he's too far gone to save.
Confused as Hell Edit: It's dark in here . . . and someone is grabbing my ass.
Jesus Edit: Sorry.
Hetero edit: I give up. I'm out.

Confused as Hell Edit: Someone get me out of here. Trajan has disgusting dreams. Just look!

Voice 1: That's nothing - here's something fun we did to him the other night.