Author Topic: Some thoughts, or at least words...  (Read 2301 times)

Offline whitelynx

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Some thoughts, or at least words...
« on: June 11, 2007, 10:53:34 am »
Well, I figure this board hasn't gotten much love in the past year. We've all been busy as hell with school, jobs, women, existential crises, and the like.

Now that we've finally decided what we'll be doing from here on out, I'm sure some of you (ok, probably a LOT of you) are disappointed that we've decided to put Precursors on hold. I know I'm somewhat disappointed myself, but at this point it really is the best thing we could do for the project. We've been working on Precursors on and off for almost 3 years now, and we've gone through so many design changes, different versions of CS, and cycles of forgetting and then re-learning everything we knew about game design that it really is time to take an official break from it.

I do hope, however, that you all realize that this project is FAR from over. We have plans to work on Alluvion Storm for the next 2 years and get it to a publisher by then, which seems to be a much more realistic goal than any goal we've set for Precursors. Once we've gotten Alluvion to a beta-testing stage, (which should be well before a publisher gets their grubby hands on anything) there won't be much more work for the Dev team to do on Alluvion, because all that will be left is content and art. When we get to that point, we plan on throwing all our development resources at Precursors, starting the codebase over (mostly) from scratch, and coding up a good, solid foundation for a game.

The time spent on Precursors so far has been an amazing learning experience for us, and we have come a long way since banging out the first few lines of code in Chris's dorm room my freshman year. I'm very grateful for all of you who have noticed our project and gotten involved, by making models, volunteering code, or even just joining our forums and chatting; it's been a rewarding experience working on a project that captured your imaginations like it did ours!

I hope at least some of you are able to see the same kind of potential in Alluvion Storm; we definitely do. Even if you don't like Alluvion at all, check back in a year or two, and things should be starting back up for Precursors. It's been a great ride so far; here's hoping it gets even better!
"Without music, life is a mistake, a trial, an exile."
 - Nietzsche