Well, let me start off by saying thankyou for the input! It's nice to see someone other than myself or Dave posting on these forums, and it's also nice to see someone taking al look at the game!
Now, to adress your concerns:
Source Code:[/u]
Yes, the project is closed source. There are a number of reasons for this, but I'm not the best person to answer the 'why' of it. (Even though I'm the project head, I left that decision up to Dave, and he opted for closed source. We talk about why a few months ago, but I really can't remember most of his reasons. With any luck he'll reply to this post.)
Single Player:[/u]
Ok, I can see your point here, but it isn't impssible. However, some clarification is needed. The MMORPG will be released before the single player version. If it helps, think of the single player version more as a second project then part of the initial game. You're right when you say a MMORPG is quite enough....
...for now.
Game Modes:[/u]
Ah, this is something I've heard before. Right now, with just Dave and myself working on this, it seems hard to imaine us ever making a game that encompases more than one genre, and ever pulling it off. Then again, if you take a look at where we are right now, it was hard to imagine we'd even be this far last september when we started. It hasn't even been a year, and we've already released an alpha... seems pretty good to me.
Now, limiting ourselves to one mode might very well make it easy, but the point isn't to get the game out in a year or two; the point is to get a game that does things people have never seen before out the door in something more like five years. (I'm trying to be realistic here.) Even if it takes twenty years, imagine how impressive it will be? (I sure hope it doesn't take that long!! :P
Balancing very well might be an issue. However, the modes are very seperate. Also, RTS is simply a special case of flightsim (there won't be any real balancing issues here; balance flightsim, and you've balanced RTS). FPS vs Flightsim might pose soe interesting problems, but then again when will the two ever interact? Should someone hop into a starfighter, the certainly are going to do some damage if they start shooting people with it's weapons. That's not imbalance, that's real life!
As far as the traveling, we've got it figured out. There are two modes of travel: normal space, and sub space. Normal space is exatcly like the real universe. If you start traveling in one direction, eventually you'll get somewhere, but it may take years... litterally. That's why they invented subspace. Subspace is a shortcut: basically warping space around youself, and translating in the fourth dimension. Without getting into the phsyics, it allows a trip from one planet to another to take a few seconds, and traveling across the gallaxy would only take weeks. (Now, we're not sure how that will work in game play; we might shorten the amount of time it takes. We'll see.)
Generating Worlds:[/u]
That's what I've been thinking for a while now. We need more content, and worlds are one of the largest. (As a side note, the ability to destroy a planet may exist, but almost no one will have it. Kinda would unballance things a tad
) Now, something I've been trying to figure out is how one would go about generating planets. I don't even have any real ideas o this, mind sharing some?
Game Engine:[/u]
I was asking Dave this the other day. Honestly, CS might not be the best choice, however it's something Dave is familiare with (and I'm gettin there) plus it has a good deal more infrastructure to it than any other. You see, with CS and CEL about the first year of our development is done for us already. Sure, CS might not be the best interms of raw performance, and/or total grpahics quality, however something I've found is that games that are fun, and have a huge playability factor are seldom ignored because they don't look like doom 3.
When we say FPS, we mean mostly camera mode/game style. It's not going to be a deathmatch. Think of it more like Neverwinter Nights, or MorrowWind. (But FPS, not 3rd person). Sorry for the confusion.
I'd very much like to see what you might eb able to offer. I'm going to talk to Dave (who may be out of contact for the next two weeks, I'm not sure.) and in the mean time, I'd be interested in more of your ideas, and in talking about some of this in more depth! Feel free to respond on the forums.