Author Topic: Website layout discussion  (Read 8127 times)

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Website layout discussion
« on: July 11, 2006, 05:00:42 pm »
Since y'all are planning on redoing the website, I figured I'd start a thread to discuss the layout, colours (u's in honour of our new webmaster :)), etc.

I noticed y'all put the blog plugin on the main website now. (I'm referring to the main Trac page as the "main website" from here on out.) One suggestion, then, is to have the two column layout, but have one column for all the stuff at the top, and another column for the blog entries. I think this makes a bit more sense - the stuff currently at the top should all fit on one page, even when stuck in a single column, and then the latest news will always be at the top for anyone visiting the site.

What do y'all think? What are other ideas y'all have for the website?
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Re: Website layout discussion
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 03:37:24 pm »
One suggestion, then, is to have the two column layout, but have one column for all the stuff at the top, and another column for the blog entries.
Done. All I have to do now is put in a feature request for the blog plugin so we can limit the number of words of each post shown... although that isn't necessarily that important.
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