There is a problem with this: Cheating. If you let people script thier own things, they *will* cheat. So, to limit that, we would have to review every script some 13 year old (with a tutorial, and no previous code skills) writes. Not to dis those people, but reading sloppy inexperianced code is a PAIN.
So, how about this:
We let them script it for thier own lan games. (Setting up thier own server will be possible) Then, should they want to get that script included in the game, they have to do the following:
1) Meet all requirements for submission (code style included).
2) Explain why this script is useful, and what it does.
3) Allow the code to be opensourced, under the LGPL.
4) Pay $0.75 per script sumbitted.
Now, let me give you the reasons for each:
1) -This is to ensure that we don't have to read any crappy ill formatted code. We can automatically reject submitted files, with an explaination of what they violated on each line.
2) -We need to know why we should be interested in this script. We don't want to accept 100,000,000,000 scripts that are simply variations on the same thing. Too much overhead.
3) -We need to do this for two reasons. The first is licensing.. so people can't sue us for including thier scripts. The second is so that on the off chance we miss something, other people can look at it, and find any possible cheats, or even any possible exploits. This is *VERY* important.
4) -You might wonder at this. Well, simply put, if there's money attatched to something, people will pause before submitting. Especially if after we reject one (not based on formatting ofcourse) they have to resubmit and pay another 75 cents. I figure if it's less than a buck, anyone playing the game can afford it, but it is a psychological block to submitting stupid things. Not a complete block, but I bet you it will stop 40% of the stupid submissions atleast.
So, could people live with this?