Author Topic: I know it's waaaay far off but....  (Read 4597 times)


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I know it's waaaay far off but....
« on: January 09, 2006, 07:28:54 pm »
I'm desperatly trying to get onto the team n some form. So i decided to make this. It could be used as like sorta a plasma bomb or sceney as a far off galexy maybe?
Well even though I know it's a ways off i thought id make some graphics for the game just for practice. :)

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Re: I know it's waaaay far off but....
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2006, 09:43:40 am »
Well, your enthusiasm is certainly welcome. May I suggest heading over to the Introduction thread and posting a bit about yourself? For instance, let us know what your skills are and why you want to join the team so desperately.

As far as the graphic, I personally don't see where we'd use it, right now at least. However, if you're good at 3D modelling, we are in need of such people. Morgul will have a better idea about how many people we need in each area (as he hasn't put me in charge of personnel :)).

But at any rate, welcome to the forums!
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