Author Topic: Split precursors project in SVN  (Read 5023 times)

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Split precursors project in SVN
« on: December 08, 2005, 05:54:43 pm »
I removed the gamedata and gamedata_source directories from the precursors project in our subversion repository. They now each have their own project. Note that the gamedata is still required to run the game. The reason for the split is simply to make it easier for someone to work on one part or the other without having to worry about downloading massive amounts of information.

To check out the game:
Code: [Select]
svn co precursors

To check out the gamedata directory:
Code: [Select]
svn co precursors/gamedata

To check out the content source directory: (previously gamedata_source)
Code: [Select]
svn co precursors/gamedata_source
Please make sure to check out the gamedata directory inside your precursors checkout (specifically 'precursors/gamedata'), otherwise the game will not run. The source directory is not needed, and does not need to be in the precursors directory.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2005, 06:12:51 pm by morgul »
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Re: Split precursors project in SVN
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2005, 06:14:04 pm »
This is really nice, especially since it will make things easier once we opensource the game... as of right now we only need to decide on a license, and we're all set for going opensource.
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