As I'm sure you can see, we've moved to new forums! If you've been hiding under a rock, and haven't heard, we also moved to a new webhost. These moves have been spawned for a number of reasons, but let's just say that the new forums and host are going to really make things unbelievably kickass around here. Please, be patient as we iron out any wrinkles in the new system... it's going to be a pretty fun ride, the next few days.
Something I would like to point out. These new forums have so many new features, it's impossible to list them all. Some of the bests ones are RSS feeds on new posts, and the ability to send the forums posts out as a mailing list! It's awesome. We also allow for uploads now (including avatars) and there are quite a bit of new things for you to explore. What are you waiting for? Get clicking!!