Stuff about Obama
If you can find links, please feel free to post them, I'd be interested in looking at them.
I already tossed this at Cae, just for conversation's sake, but I'll post it here too:
linkageNow, NYT is usually pretty liberal, so I'll definitely agree that they could be (rotten) cherry picking. But even if a few of these are true, her attitude concerns me a great deal. I don't want someone in a position of power who uses that power to punish individuals for personal reasons; I don't like the idea of even testing whether using individual email addresses would allow them to sidestep subpoenas, even if it was just checked on by her staff (if she didn't support it, she should have fired the staff member who suggested it, honestly); and I don't like seeing her name in the same sentence / paragraph as supporting the banning of books from a public library. If I don't go with Obama, I know I'm not going with McCain / Palin.
And no, I haven't looked at Biden yet, any interesting information out there y'all have come across?
In the end, though, I'm pretty cynical regarding politics. Every person in an elected position is bought and paid for by special interests, lobbying groups, and megacorps. Nothing is really going to change, no real good is going to be accomplished. Mr. Smith is never going to Washington, and honestly is the first person in line to bend over and take it from the rear by the people in office. They don't care about the citizen, the common man, the person they're supposed to be acting on behalf of, and that's not going to change anytime in the foreseeable future. I'm not bitter at all, no sir.
So do I think the outcome of the election will make a major difference in our lives? Not really. However, I do think I have a civic duty to vote anyways, and since I like Obama (in a general sense, not in a "here's X reasons you should vote for him" sense) and don't like McCain / Bush / Palin, that's where my vote's going come November.
If for whatever reason it doesn't, I'm writing in Spider Jersualem. Windy can provide pics, I'm sure.

Oh, and to quote Robin Williams: Bush doesn't talk while Cheney's drinking water. Check that shit out.