I tend to avoid political discussions, but I guess I'll weigh in at least.
I personally distrust Obama. I'm not one of those right wing NUTCASES like Ann Coulter who thinks that the liberals are a bunch of subversive communist hippie spies who are trying to overthrow the nation, but I can't see myself voting for the man.
He equivocates too often for my liking.
Now, I know many politicians hide behind smoke and mirrors on BOTH sides of the aisle, but when he's asked a controversial question he responds with "I don't think it's my place to answer that" or "That's above my paygrade".
It's not like he was asked "What would you enforce as national policy regarding this controversial topic?" he was simply asked to express his opinion.
Dodging questions like that irritates me to no end, because it makes me feel that I can't trust him. He's going to do whatever's necessary to paint himself as being the best candidate for the job without actually revealing who we're ACTUALLY voting for.
That being said, I'm not all hugely enthusiastic about John McCain either. This election feels very much like the 2004 election in that I felt that voting would be trying to cast a ballot for the lesser of two evils, neither of which I really wanted running my country.
And then I remembered that big business runs this country, not the government, and voted for whomever I agreed with on a personal level.
For me, that's typically the Republican party. Although honestly, despite the historical significance of this election, I don't give a rat's ass who gets into the White House, and I don't think it'll matter all that much in the long run.
So you guys go have fun, vote for whomever you prefer. I think I'll go to the movies and pump a little money back into the economy (that way I keep the big business owners happy and don't find myself in Gitmo

Besides, with everyone standing in line at the polls, the theaters are bound to be less crowded than normal.