Author Topic: [Canon]: Ginerva MacKenzie  (Read 5638 times)

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[Canon]: Ginerva MacKenzie
« on: March 13, 2008, 03:00:27 am »
Ginerva MacKenzie
by Virginia E. Case

Full Name: Ginerva Lin Mackenzie
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 108 lb.
Eye Color: Brown Hazel
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Heritage: Terran
Affiliation: Terran (Major - Intelligence, Biogenetic Research)

Personality: Ginerva is a disturbing person in many ways. She is sadistic and cruel, and seemingly indifferent about her choice of 'victims,' whom she endearingly refers to as 'subjects.' She has very little respect for human life, and views all other life as a toy for her to play with, to learn from. She is passionate about her science, her primary subjects being genetics and biochemistry. Most of all, she enjoys the profound connection between mental and physical pain.

The most disturbing thing by far, however, is the manner in which she performs her little experiments, the genuine joy, the peppy and chipper demeanor. Her exceedingly high-pitched voice chills the strongest man; even more can be said for her laugh, sharp, piercing, and inhuman. She takes great joy in all she does, in the manner of an over-excited school-girl.

Quirks: Ginerva's very unique laugh is her most potent quirk. At first, one would want to pass it off as silly, or simply awkward. But it is so shrill, and so unnatural, that it gives the woman an inhuman appearance, making her very frightening to be around.

Her other quirk is her fondness for old medical tools. Her favorite is the needle syringe. All of these painful appliances have been out of use for decades, but she claims they are far more efficient than the modern tools. In truth, they draw out her experiments, and her subjects' pain.

History: Ginerva was an only child, raised by both of her parents. She also lived nearby her cousin, Seamus, who was four years older than her. He was over very frequently, and her parents were ignorant of her, so he taught her most of what she grew up knowing.

Seamus was very intelligent, as was Ginerva, so he taught her the things that he was learning in school. She learned it all very well, especially the sciences. He was equally passionate about them, and brought Ginerva along to study the world around them, and even to conduct some personal experiments. As they grew older, the experiments grew more grisly, and often involved the mutilation of small animals.

Ginerva grew dependent on Seamus, for companionship, and as the only elder who paid her any mind. She was also such an awkward child, that she had no real friends. Seamus was welcoming, and kind. But he was also manipulative, and often used Ginerva towards his own ends. Anywhere from nicking money from her parents to performing some of the more unsavory parts of the experiments. Sometimes Ginerva would be very uncomfortable with what he asked of her, but then his demeanor would change, become cold and cruel, and he would frighten her into doing his bidding.

It also became apparent, especially after Seamus turned thirteen, that his abuse toward Ginerva was becoming sexual. He never touched her explicitly, but he threatened her with it, often while holding something sharp to her neck. They used her mother's dentists tools to perform operations, so they were always handy.

The peak of Ginerva's terrible relationship with her cousin came when she was ten, Seamus fourteen. He had instructed her to perform an experiment independently, with an interesting goal. She took her mother's cat, Mr. Jones, of whom she was very jealous. The cat got far more love and attention than she ever did. Then, she proceeded to use the equipment they had stolen and built, and she took Mr. Jones apart, to 'see how he worked.' But, to truly understand how he worked, she had to ensure that he was still working when she took him apart! She sustained him, and he still breathed, performed bodily functions, and even moaned as she worked, hiding under the porch. Seamus came to check on her, and found that she had used anesthetic on the cat, removing some of the pain. Though she protested that she had to, to keep Mr. Jones conscious, Seamus was furious, and hit her. She was petrified, and he pinned her to the ground, holding a scalpel to her throat. After leaving a cut on her neck, he left, disgusted.

Ginerva never stood up to her cousin, or even truly realized that what he was doing to her was wrong. No one was ever there to argue the contrary. She only escaped his physical, and some of his mental abuse, when she moved up in school. She went to a boarding school for gifted students, and was very rarely home. Only over the summer was she home, and Seamus went out of his way to leave work or school to take advantage of her again.

Ginerva only grew more brilliant with time, and since her experiment on Mr. Jones, began to truly enjoy the sadistic nature of her brilliance, born from Seamus' abuse. She went on to higher levels of school. At the highest level of her schooling, before she was to apply for the research division of the Terran Government, she was caught doing illegal and unethical experiments on a fellow student, whom she had sedated. She was immediately expelled, and arrested.

However, Ginerva was far too brilliant and promising to be ignored. Terran Intelligence had noticed her, and wanted her. So, they arranged for all the proper paperwork to be filled out, got Ginerva released, and handed her her degree. She then started working for the Terran Military, and after her training, quickly ascended in the ranks.

By the age of twenty-eight, Ginerva Mackenzie is now the only Scientist/Researcher who is actually a member of the Terran Military. With all she does for them, they have no problems with her conducting her own personal experiments at her leisure.And yet, nightmares of her cousin still haunt her. She's received a couple of messages from him, but responded to none. She still has not seen him, but dreads that he may one day return for her...

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