Author Topic: More compile problems  (Read 5137 times)

Offline Recon

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More compile problems
« on: March 26, 2007, 07:17:34 pm »

Offline Rosencrantz

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Re: More compile problems
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 02:24:00 pm »
Is that the latest CEL? I think we had problems similar to that earlier and fixed it by updating CEL. I'll be able to test on it this weekend though, currently away from home.


Offline whitelynx

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Re: More compile problems
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 10:37:37 am »
IIRC, we require an svn more recent than 1.0 for both CS and CEL. I've made some changes that didn't make it into the 1.0 releases.

I'm currently trying to check everything out on my desktop and get it compiling with the latest svn of CS and CEL, because I just reinstalled linux a week ago.
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Offline Recon

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Re: More compile problems
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2007, 08:19:59 am »
well, I finaly got the svn rev 1153 to compile, unfortinatly it crashes when i start the client :<

Code: [Select]
tarting program: /home/mec/development/precursors/precursors
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread -1213928544 (LWP 13183)]
preClient version 0.3.4 Build 1153 by G33X Nexus Entertainment.

  could not load plugin 'cel.behaviourlayer.python'

  Opening GLX2D
  Creating Context
  Video driver GL/X version (direct renderer)
  Visual ID: 0x00000023, 24bit TrueColor
  level 0, double buffered

  Applied: Broken ATI point sprites (NV)

  OpenGL renderer: GeForce 6600 LE/AGP/SSE2 (vendor: NVIDIA Corporation)
  version 2.1.0 NVIDIA 97.46
  Using windowed mode at resolution 1024x768.
  Pixel format: Color: 24 Alpha: 8 Depth: 24 Stencil: 8 AccumColor: 48
  AccumAlpha: 16 MultiSamples: 0
  Multisample: disabled

  Using VBO with 64 MB of VBO memory

  Joystick support enabled. Loading joystick plugin.

  No operable joystick found

  failed to initialize plugin 'crystalspace.device.joystick.linux'

  Attempt to load plugin 'crystalspace.device.joystick.linux' failed

  could not load plugin 'precursors.pcfactory.servicemanager'

  CEL 'precursors.pcfactory.servicemanager' property class factory plugin
Warning: Cannot convert string "vlines2" to type Pixmap
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
gne.Precursors:  Error loading precursors.pcfactory.servicemanager factory!

  could not load plugin 'precursors.pcfactory.consumerproducer'

  CEL 'precursors.pcfactory.consumerproducer' property class factory plugin
Warning: Cannot convert string "vlines2" to type Pixmap
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
gne.Precursors:  Error loading precursors.pcfactory.consumerproducer factory!
start BehaviorLaver
end construct BehaviorLaver
Warning: Cannot convert string "vlines2" to type Pixmap
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
gne.Precursors:  Couldn't find python behaviour layer!
end init content manager
[New Thread -1266287696 (LWP 13192)]
  Application initialized successfully.
Loading window 'Root'.
Loading window 'Main'.
Adding level 'flightsim'.
Adding level '/precursors/levels/Jamfile'.

  BugPlug loaded...

  Hold on, the hamster is working...
Loading window 'Progress'.
Loading window 'Hud'.

  Loading the server.

  Starting server on port 60600.
[New Thread -1326609488 (LWP 13197)]

  Starting the server.
  Creating level entity...
Startload level
  Loading level '/precursors/levels/flightsim'...

  Start loading level.

  Multitexture units: moderate 4

  Loading region 'space2'.
Start Level::LOadEntitiesInReagon:space2
  Loading entities in sector 'Scene', region 'ent_level_space2'.
  Start loading level.
Not Deleted 0xb4f8fcb0 '(null)' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3851200 'flare_center' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3851480 'flare_spark1' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3851780 'flare_spark2' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3851990 'flare_spark3' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3851c10 'flare_spark4' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3851e90 'flare_spark5' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb4f8cc30 'Scene' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3854468 'Lamp.011' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3d78928 'Lamp.010' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3d79150 'Lamp.009' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3d79ae8 'Lamp.008' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3d7a4d0 'Lamp.007' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3d7ae28 'Lamp.006' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3222c20 'Lamp.005' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb32234d8 'Lamp.004' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3223e20 'Lamp.003' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb32248c0 'flare_center' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3224e78 'flare_spark1' ref=2
Not Deleted 0xb32253f0 'flare_spark2' ref=2
Not Deleted 0xb3225968 'flare_spark3' ref=4
Not Deleted 0xb3225ee0 'flare_spark4' ref=3
Not Deleted 0xb3226458 'flare_spark5' ref=3
Not Deleted 0xb3226918 'Lamp.002' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3227390 'Lamp.001' ref=1
Not Deleted 0xb3227d30 'Lamp' ref=1
  Loading region 'space2'.
Start Level::LOadEntitiesInReagon:space2
END Level::LOadEntitiesInReagon
  Stop loading level.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1213928544 (LWP 13183)]
0xb62cff87 in celEntity::NotifySiblingPropertyClasses (this=0xb2e6e7b8) at plugins/stdphyslayer/entity.cpp:77
77          pc->PropertyClassesHaveChanged ();
(gdb) Quit

Code: [Select]
Not Deleted 0xb3227d30 'Lamp' ref=1
  Loading region 'space2'.
Start Level::LOadEntitiesInReagon:space2
END Level::LOadEntitiesInReagon
  Stop loading level.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1213928544 (LWP 13183)]
0xb62cff87 in celEntity::NotifySiblingPropertyClasses (this=0xb2e6e7b8) at plugins/stdphyslayer/entity.cpp:77
77          pc->PropertyClassesHaveChanged ();
(gdb) Quit
(gdb) bt
#0  0xb62cff87 in celEntity::NotifySiblingPropertyClasses (this=0xb2e6e7b8)
    at plugins/stdphyslayer/entity.cpp:77
#1  0xb62b184c in celPropertyClassList::Add (this=0x950fca8, obj=0x9511ca4)
    at plugins/stdphyslayer/propclas.cpp:60
#2  0xb62b7eaa in celPlLayer::CreatePropertyClass (this=0x827a550, entity=0xb2e6e824,
    propname=0xb2e69da1 "pcnetworkentity") at plugins/stdphyslayer/pl.cpp:825
#3  0xb621aaae in celAddOnCelEntity::Load (this=0x8276590, node=0xb352567c, mesh=0x0)
    at plugins/addons/celentity/celentity.cpp:539
#4  0x0816c01f in Precursors::ContentManager::CreateEntity (this=0xb4dd8ea0,
    entityname=0xb321c9c4 "Archigos1", params=0x8e59ea0, activateRegion=true)
    at src/Common/ContentManager/ContentManager.cpp:1009
#5  0xb35cadf5 in Precursors::Networking::celServerNetworkLayer::CreateEntity (this=0xb367cbc8, creator=0x0,
    eventID=0, entityName=0xb321c9c4 "Archigos1", params=0x8e59ea0)
    at plugins/network/celServerNetworkLayer/celServerNetworkLayer.cpp:754
#6  0xb35c910f in Precursors::Networking::celServerNetworkLayer::CreateEntity (this=0xb367cbc8, creator=0x0,
    eventID=0, entityName=0xb321c9c4 "Archigos1", sector=0xb4f8cc68, region=0x8e59a50, params=0x8e59e58)
    at plugins/network/celServerNetworkLayer/celServerNetworkLayer.cpp:733
#7  0x0816c516 in Precursors::ContentManager::CreateEntitiesFromMap (this=0xb4dd8ea0, sector=0xb4f8cc68,
    region=0x8e59a50) at src/Common/ContentManager/ContentManager.cpp:1070
#8  0x0815f5fd in Precursors::BehaviourLayer::Level::LoadEntitiesInRegion (this=0xb367d788,
    celRegion=0x8e59a50) at src/Common/BehaviourLayer/Level.cpp:127
#9  0x0815f7c9 in Precursors::BehaviourLayer::Level::SendMessage (this=0xb367d788, msg_id=11, pc=0xb367dc9c,
    ret=@0xbfd8788c, params=0x8df5f80, arg=0xbfd87874 "\204????x?7|??l????\203\"?L")
    at src/Common/BehaviourLayer/Level.cpp:153
#10 0x08160edf in Precursors::BehaviourLayer::Base::SendMessageV (this=0xb367d788,
    msg_id=0xb4b4a32c "pczonemanager_addregion", pc=0xb367dc9c, ret=@0xbfd8788c, params=0x8df5f80,
    arg=0xbfd87874 "\204????x?7|??l????\203\"?L") at src/Common/BehaviourLayer/Base.cpp:77
#11 0x08160e77 in Precursors::BehaviourLayer::Base::SendMessage (this=0xb367d788,
    msg_id=0xb4b4a32c "pczonemanager_addregion", pc=0xb367dc9c, ret=@0xbfd8788c, params=0x8df5f80)
    at src/Common/BehaviourLayer/Base.cpp:68
#12 0xb4ace836 in celPcZoneManager::SendZoneMessage (this=0xb367dc88, region=0x8e59a50,
    msgid=0xb4b4a32c "pczonemanager_addregion") at plugins/propclass/zone/zone.cpp:859
#13 0xb4acf2fe in celRegion::Load (this=0x8e59a50, allow_entity_addon=true)
    at plugins/propclass/zone/zone.cpp:292
#14 0xb4ad1b44 in celPcZoneManager::ActivateRegion (this=0xb367dc88, region=0x0, allow_entity_addon=true)
    at plugins/propclass/zone/zone.cpp:1202
#15 0xb4ad6f9f in celPcZoneManager::Load (this=0xb367dc88, path=0xbfd87b50 "/precursors/levels/flightsim",
    file=0x81b04eb "level.xml") at plugins/propclass/zone/zone.cpp:1022
#16 0xb4ae7dc2 in celPcZoneManager::PcZoneManager::Load (this=0xb367dee8,