Just an intro post: I've started development on RaptorNL, a semi-successor project to HawkNL. It is taking the original HawkNL code and updating it to provide a more powerful and feature-filled library. Check out it's
Trac page, and check the code out of Subversion: svn://adidas.servegame.org/raptornl . Right now it's exactly the code that's in HawkNL 1.7 beta 1, but that's soon to change, so make note of the address.
Three important notes:
1) Unless somebody can do a kickass-awesome job convincing me, I am not intending to keep backwards compatibility with HawkNL. If I have to break API compatibility because I think I can do it better, I will. This is designed to be a completely new library, after all.

2) HawkNL was released under the LGPL. I can't think of any reason not to release RaptorNL under the same license. So please feel free to make use of it in your own games.
5) Since I do most of my development under Linux, if somebody wants to volunteer to be in charge of Windows builds, I wouldn't say no... :P Of course, we're needing somebody to be a Windows dev for Precursors and Alluvion, too, if you're interested in REALLY getting in deep.
Aside from that, welcome to the RaptorNL board!