If Cory's up to it, I could also see comic series, rather than just plain-old webcomics. In other words, rather than having an ongoing, once a week thing, have like a comic book online. This way, different people can make different editions and whatnot - similar stories, but with each artists' take on the people involved. Adds depth to the characters, and may help explore areas of the characters that y'all haven't thought of.
Another idea that occurred to me, while not related to the webcomic, is posting on the deviantart forums for another contest, this time with different aspects of the Precursors universe. For instance, planetscapes, cities, characters, etc. I've downloaded several wallpapers on there - I especially like the Sci-Fi and Females sections, though Sci-Fi would obviously be more useful here
At any rate, thought I'd post that idea. Kickass sketches, btw.