Author Topic: Rainier Balavan  (Read 7918 times)

Offline ryguy_1617

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Rainier Balavan
« on: March 16, 2006, 09:02:09 am »
Rainier Balavan
by ryguy_1617

Full Name:  Rainier Balavan
Race:  Human
Gender:  Male
Age:  19
Height:  5'7"
Weight:   160 lbs
Eye Color:  Dark Brown
Hair Color:  Dark Brown
Heritage:  Terran
Affiliation:  Freelance (Mercenary)

Personality: Mysterious; keeps to himself.  Very intelligent, and rarely makes mistakes.  Rainier always thinks things through very thoroughly, and often thinks about his actions before he carries them out.  He has very few people that he could call friends.  His mother and father left him early on, and other people he talks with are more of acquaintances to him.  His only good friend was his captain on the ship he used to work on (the Conquistador), who is now deceased.

Quirks: Somewhat self abusive and stressed much of the time.  Not physically self abusive, just mostly mentally: tends to blame things on himself that he had no control over.

History: Born in the Coalition of Free States, where he was raised without much money.  But, when he turned 16, Rainier got a job on a mercenary ship as a general aide, and got to know the captain quite well.  Every day, after Rainier finished his work, the captain of the ship (Conquistador was the name of the ship) would teach him a few things about flying, and then let him fly it around a bit.  A year and a half later, the captain had been killed on one of his missions; this upset Rainier greatly, the captain was his only true mentor throughout his life.  

Having earned money and learned how to fly ships from his work and his former captain, Rainier set out to buy his own ship.  He then decided that he would follow in his mentor's footsteps, and become a mercenary as well...but he didn't want to stop there, he wanted to be the most powerful mercenary out there, and to avenge his late mentor.  After 2 years, Rainier had done enough small missions to earn money to outfit his ship well; he was now prepared mentally and mechanically to take on his task at full speed.   To this day, he is still trying to achieve his final goal of being the most powerful --- and most feared --- mercenary in the galaxy; but first, he wants to find, and destroy, the one who put an end to his only teacher.  Rainier now searches the galaxy for this enemy, and any jobs to carry out, in his ship: The Vengeance.

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[Extended Backstory available here.]
« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 09:51:54 pm by Morgul »

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Re: Rainier Balavan
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 12:14:46 pm »
Interersting motive, and back story. I like it. He's obviously not a muscle bound merc, but instead is a most likely a tech merc... Which breaks the mold pretty nicely. I really like this guy.
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Offline Keith

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Re: Rainier Balavan
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 04:59:11 pm »
I read this he is describing himself in alot of places lol.

Offline Keith

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Re: Rainier Balavan
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2006, 06:32:02 pm »
with a bit of a North-African in him as well.

dont forget about that either lol