Author Topic: HUD Contest Design: LeagueHUDVersion0.1  (Read 5322 times)


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HUD Contest Design: LeagueHUDVersion0.1
« on: November 22, 2005, 01:49:39 am »
« Last Edit: July 30, 2008, 10:29:05 pm by Reynard »

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Re: HUD Contest Design: LeagueHUDVersion0.1
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2005, 02:46:42 am »
I really like where your going with this. I have a few suggestions, but this is my persona favorite to date. Here they are:

  • First, in the upper left, the design for the systems list doesn't seem to fit the style at all. Wrong font, wrong style. Also, it doesn't seem too useful; maybe have a statusbar on it, or  percent, or some sort of information.
  • In the Lower right, the staus windows seem a bit out of place. I love thier concept, and I think it could fit well, however they don't flow right with the hud. Also, they need to have some sort of explaination as to what they are, eg. "Envronmental Status:", and "Ship Status:". Those explainations should stand outn and obviously be a heading, or title.
  • In the upper middle, there is no need for FPS.
  • In the Upper Right, the chat window's style doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the hud. Make it flow better, and make it styled like everything else.

That being said, about the only olther point of feedback I have is that while this feel much more integrated than the other design you submitted, there still is a disjointed feeling in some areas. Don't be afraid to take the hud out to the edges of the screen, or to use the HUD Elements to shape the viewable area. (This isn't a good example, but it does illustrate my point. I'll look for a better one latter.)
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Re: HUD Contest Design: LeagueHUDVersion0.1
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2005, 10:38:01 am »
Heh, I did this in like two hours. Wasn't realy trying all that hard. Yeah, I can work on that. Just need some sleep, which I got last night. In the full version (photshop) which I was too tired to send last night it has all the ship info on the bottom right corner. As for the "disjointeded" I think the style is what's cuasing that. But I'll see what I can do. I think I'll re-arrange it a bit.
