Nice. I'm pretty pashionate about AI's too, but My programming experiance is significantly less than whitelynx's or yours... so I've been more the project head/idea man/debugging aid. One thing I want for this game is some really smart AI. (The ability to learn tactics is something I would love to have, but I don't know if that's realistic...)
From what you've posted, and what whitelynx said... Yes, we want you as a Dev. Right now, the project is kinda stalled pending a re-write of the mechanics system. Talk to whitelynx, and maybe between you two, you can figure out exactly how to solve the problems he's having with the rewrite... after that, there's two thing that need to be worked on that I think your pashions may play into. First, is the fact that we need some sort of basic AI that will shoot, and fly, and do basic manuevers. (Could even be a hard coded pattern for now... I'd rather it wasn't though.) The other is implimenting systems (and hence damage for combat). In the systems implimentation, we need to write some basic AI into the systems themselves... and we need to figure otu the logic of two special systems; the Power Distribution Network (PDN) and the Data Distribution Network (DDN). What's special about them, is that they function very much like a nueral net... All Systems, except the reactor needs a connection to the PDN. If a connection is severed, it's possible the system is still connected to another system, and can still get power that way. (Somehow it needs a path to the reactor) The DDN is even more like a neural net... the DDN allows systems to communicate. When breaks occure... it's possble the DDN will be cut into two different networks... so they systems can only talk to whatever other systems are still connected to thier part of the DDN.
Well, I'm getting a bit long winded here, and some of this should likely go into either another thread, or an e-mail, or an IRC chat... but yes, we want you as a Dev!