Wow....this guy has many of the same ideas that I had actually thought about myself...which I find to be amazing considering that I didnt really think that anyone else might have had basically ALL of the same ideas and wonderings about possibilities concerning these topics as mentioned by him.
While I didnt think of all this together and do what he did with it, I moreso thought about it in seperate sections but he basically ties everything I thought about into a single article...kindof awesome. I am somewhat inspired by this to have more motive to share related ideas I think about that are generally about this: existance, creation, actions and reactions, parrallel and other universes and/or dimensions, after death happenings, etc... the possibilities stop no where and there are so many that nobody can rightfully state what is fact unless they know everything influencing that so called 'fact' is fact as well...which ends up leading up to the point where we cant truly know what is and isnt fact. Therefore, we are most likely only scraping the surface of the mysteries of life and existance...with all of these possibilities, what are the odds that we, our dimension, our universe, and our other 'facts' are all that's out there?
And, I have many thoeries and beliefs concerning religions and such, but I will not discuss any of that here for fear of offending anyone.
Once again though, I'm glad that morgul posted this link...its fascinating to find someone else who seems to touch base with some of my beliefs and ideas here
