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Messages - BigDan

Pages: [1]
Precursors / Capital Ship Movement
« on: August 31, 2005, 07:38:02 pm »
I would say on capitol ships you should maybe make it a team effort, one person pioleting one or several fighting in turets , one runing tactical , so on and so forth, this would give it a real life feal as a very large ship with its own limits and benifits.

Precursors / Space Flight Controls, and Realism
« on: August 31, 2005, 07:29:47 pm »
I think everyone kinda diddent get what I was sugesting about the nube ships.
I was only sugesting that a ship might be suplied till the player got into the swing of things and elected to enter the real world , so to speak.
And that this ship might be a no brainer till they got the lay of the land.
I mean some of us do need a crutch to start with some times, insted of just jumping rite in and never getting anywhere , I know this would realy turn me off to a game I just bought and couldent play.

Beleive me I've had a few of them, and they all end up in the dust pile, money NOT well spent.

as you are building this game try to think , how would you like to be introduced to this game at start up and what tuters could do for you with the game play and introducing you to how things work.

this is the only thing I'm concerned with, that is how a new player is brought in and tought how the basics work, after that its every man , woman , and child for them selves,( just watch out for the kids , they'll tear you up) :twisted:

Precursors / Guilds, Corps, Player Goverments
« on: August 14, 2005, 12:05:33 pm »
Hey this is susposed to be as close to realistic as posable rite?

well for newbs make it safe, but as the stakes go up so does the danger.

I see everyone is kinda thinking in the same area as I am.

but again go that step further and alow the players to create there own areas in the galaxy with a builder program built into the game.

When somone builds a place they upload it to the admins , the admins chech it for relivence, bugs ,and theam, then decide where in the universe they want to putt it , with maybe a request coming from the creater of the area.

In this way this universe would be an ever expanding arena and be more along the lines of what is actualy envisioned.

This to would alevieate alot of strain on the builders of the game and can you imagine how much work it is building areas of play in a game , I can , I have Never Winter Nights and It has its own area builder where you can build whole worlds and make it your own game .

I'v built my own world within the game and there are so many newonces within the creation of a world that you have to watch ,such as transitions working as you want them to,and special actions hapening as you put them in but its alot of fun even if it is alot of work.

However I sugest not alowing people to put up there own servers and keeping everything in house , this way the game can be protected against people taking things to far out of the original theme of the game but rather expand on it

Suggestions / Player expansion of the game
« on: August 14, 2005, 11:19:32 am »
The players could build there own worlds to add to the actual size of the universe and alow for ever greater expansion through a builder portion like found in Never Winter Nights.
Then when it passes the inspection of the admins it can be added to the whole of the universe.

you see in this way it lends a fealing ownership to the players and frees up some of the efforts of the code wrighters to create all these different worlds.

start the game with some basic places and let the players expand the game horizens within the playable areas.

all they have to do is create there areas and up load to the sight ,after the admins chech them out for bugs and aprove them they are loaded into the "MATRIX" where ever the admins see fit to put them and thus expanding the universe ever more.

General Discussion / Introduction Thread: New users, please post here!
« on: August 14, 2005, 10:56:11 am »
Hi Im Dan , I'v known Chris (Morgul) for quite a few years and he and my oldest son have been friends for just as many. :P

I'm 42 and live in Norwich NY, I'v loved disusing the planing of the book with chris and helping with editing as he went when he was here. :shock:

We planed out the makeup of the game over and over so many times I feal like part of my soul is inbeded into it. :-/

I'm a big Game lover and cant get enough of RPG and action games and when I see what you guys are doing I start salivating at the thought of actualy being able to play the game. :D

I work as an Appliance Repair Technition, Have been Maried for 22 years, have 3 kids, Dan(20), Stephanie(19), and Brian(16). 8)

I'v loved discussing Phyics and spacial thiery with Chris on many ocaisions and have alot of my own ideas but we woun't go into that. :idea:

In fact we even went as far as building a working magnetic pump using a sailine sulition as the medium , and I still have it! :wink:

The biggest thing about me I think you will find is that Im a dreamer and can envision many things within this universe and even beyond, I'll try to keep most of my Ideas as realistic as posable, but dont be shocked if I come up with some real dusies. :twisted:

Precursors / Guilds, Corps, Player Goverments
« on: August 13, 2005, 07:43:50 pm »
Guilds as a whole have there place in game play and lend a sence of comrodery to the game.

Now with this said I feal that there would have to be certain rules set down to govern these groups and there interaction with new players and alow free action in play for the newbie until a said level is reached then alow said groups to recruit said player if so desired.

Then within the group help to train and lead the said recruit in the guilds direction.

But if the newbie declines the offer the guild goes on its mary way leaving the newbie to there own devices.

Precursors / Space Flight Controls, and Realism
« on: August 13, 2005, 07:09:13 pm »
Sorry guys got a little long winded

Precursors / Space Flight Controls, and Realism
« on: August 13, 2005, 07:07:50 pm »
You Know I think that if you make a few entry level ships for the nwbs in the game and rig them with very easy controles (You know kinda point and go) it would be great for starting off, then when you gain experience in the game you move on to more advanced ships alowing for more personalisation with the controle configuration and alowing the pure phisics to take over thus alowing the player to gain experience in flight as well while there carecter gaines experience.

as for capital ships I figure you need to gain a certain amount of experience flying small ships and how the physics work in real space before you are alowed to piolet a large ship and crash with all hands on board.

you figure if you are flying a large ship like that there has to be other people on board and these other people could be other players, hence if you crash and burn so does everyone else.

This as we all know is the gole of of this virtule world , to make it as real as posable, so as for the controles I feal that we need to make them as user friendly as posable to start and then when knowlage is obtained and practice is perfected alow the player to advance on to bigger and tuffer things thus alowing ever more chalanging play to ocure and keep all players interested much longer.

We all know that when we get a new game we play it for a while and after gaining some form of competency within it we get easly bored and move on to newer if not greaner pastures, so if our chalanges are always changing and keeping game play new I think you will see the gaming audience take hold and make it there own and stay with this game and within this gameing comunity much longer .

I think that the old argument of game balance will be meet with a little more enthusiasium and a lot less griping as well since things will be more like real life on many levels, such as, if you get killed your carecter is dead, and can't be raised like lasurous from the grave, so you have to start fresh even though you can take alot of your stats and put them twards a new carecter.

now getting back on track, the controles should be easy on one or two ships when you start and as you advance you move on to other ships that have been coded as normal life ships with all of the advantages and disadvantages as well.
I think this will keep more players in the game and alive as well.

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