Hi Im Dan , I'v known Chris (Morgul) for quite a few years and he and my oldest son have been friends for just as many. :P
I'm 42 and live in Norwich NY, I'v loved disusing the planing of the book with chris and helping with editing as he went when he was here. :shock:
We planed out the makeup of the game over and over so many times I feal like part of my soul is inbeded into it. :-/
I'm a big Game lover and cant get enough of RPG and action games and when I see what you guys are doing I start salivating at the thought of actualy being able to play the game.
I work as an Appliance Repair Technition, Have been Maried for 22 years, have 3 kids, Dan(20), Stephanie(19), and Brian(16). 8)
I'v loved discussing Phyics and spacial thiery with Chris on many ocaisions and have alot of my own ideas but we woun't go into that. :idea:
In fact we even went as far as building a working magnetic pump using a sailine sulition as the medium , and I still have it!
The biggest thing about me I think you will find is that Im a dreamer and can envision many things within this universe and even beyond, I'll try to keep most of my Ideas as realistic as posable, but dont be shocked if I come up with some real dusies.