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Topics - Morgul

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9
General Discussion / Descent: Freespace
« on: January 12, 2006, 01:50:17 pm »
Well, Caenus mentioned Descent: Freespace, and I forgot how much I miss that game. So, I decided that since all but one of my CD's were stolen... I'd use Bittorrent to get CD1 and the Expansion pack. While I was at it, I figured I'd be a bad boy, and get Freespace 2.

Now, what I would like, is anyone who play these games to help me come up with a sort of 'feature' list, to give us ideas of thigns for inclusion in Precursors. Also, aside from that, let's just chat about two kickass games.


General Discussion / Morgul's back... again.
« on: January 06, 2006, 08:42:20 pm »
Well, I'm sorry for not being around as of late; I got wisked off to a friend's house, where I had no internet, and then I went to florida for a week.... :D. So, I'm half back, and I'll be fully back in like a week.... but I have internet again. So, Yay.

Precursors Artwork / New Wallpapers Forum
« on: December 21, 2005, 02:47:38 pm »
I made a new forum for wallpapers, and moved things there. I also posted a new wallpaper I did in there... check it out, and let me know what you think!

Wallpapers / Techy Precursors Wallpaper: League Version (1.0)
« on: December 21, 2005, 01:20:36 am »
Well, I decided to try my hand at making a wallpaper. Didn't quite come out how I invisioned it, but it's good. I like it quite a bit. This wall all done in inkspace, and SVG program. Yes, I could rescale it to any size I want, but a good deal of the elements don't look good rescaled, so I'm going to have to make seperate versions for all the resolutions I'm planning on supporting.

Since it's pretty late, I'm just going to attatch the only version I have: 1600x1200. Please, feel free to request sizes, and I'll try to work on getting them done for different sizes.

Oh, and tell me what you think!

[edit: I put up the 1400x1050 version too; I wanted to see how it looked on my laptop.]

General Discussion / New Game Ideas (Short Term Project)
« on: December 16, 2005, 12:26:20 am »
As mentioned in another thread, I'm looking for project ideas/proposals for a short term game to be produced, and finished in about a year. I want to come up with a very small scoped game. Something like froxen bubble or something like that. Small, adicting, and FUN! However it can be 3D, it can be multiplayer, and it can be more interesting than a game like frozen bubble. Give me some game ideas... and we'll see about turning this into a real project, and something that can be done rather quickly, and getting the GNE name out there. It's something that would really help, I think. Seeing what we can do might give Precursors more credibility than it currently has.


Precursors Artwork / The Archigos II, Rekonin Class Advance Cruiser
« on: December 02, 2005, 01:36:54 pm »
This thread is to give people a feel for what this ship is, and what it going on in the sketch, so that anyone attempting to model it won't have such a helluva time. I only have one sketch. (The artist who did this is currently having a galery openinging today, so for the last month his life as been so full of hassle, and agrivation that it's been impossible for him to get things done. As it is, it will be till over break before I can get any more sketches of this. So, I will make due with what we have, for now.

First, some back story. (SPOILER WARNING: This gives away some of the plot in the first and second chapters of my story. No, it doesn't make it unreadable, but it does give some of it away.) The Reckonin Class Advanced Cruiser was designed from salvaged parts of a very old Grey Cruiser that was found by a Terran Archeology team investigating what appeared to be ruins from an alien race. The League intercepted the transmission describing remains of an organic based ship, and sent the nearest vessel to retrieve that technology. To make a long story short, the League retrived that information, and almost immediately started work on designing and building a ship using it. The entire design and construction of the first ship, The Rekonin occured in only two years. (Actually, the Reckonin was built as the same time as the Archigos II, although no one knew about the Rekonin.)

Since the Reckonin Class is a combination of Grey and League technology, it is really one of the most unique ships in the entire game universe. Most impressively, it still has the trademark Grey MEGA DEATH LAZER. (No, not it's realy name. I don't have an official name for it... it's just the primary weapons used by the Grey. It can destroy an entire planet, if desired. It could also merely raise the temperature of a ships hull a few degrees. It's pretty fine grained. Also, it's nice because the more energy you pump into it, the more energy you get out. It's a near linear scale untill you get up to energies equivilent to about two entire galactic masses being converted, or something like that.) It also has the central core of a Grey ship. See, Grey choose a respected and gifted leader of thier race to intigrate into the ship, and become the Core. The Reckonin class also has a Core, but it's a specially created Genetic match for the ship. (It's a combination of human and Sooni DNA) There is no need for the Core to be anything more than genetic material, so there's no body that's been grown, and then stuck into these things. The genetic material does have to come from outside the ship, however, and it is possible that should the Core ever be destroyed, a new one could be grown, but someone would have to sacrifice themselves inorder for the ship to be completely functional. (It can work without the core, but that is relying too much on it's technology, and makes things rather slow, and difficult, and the primary weapon is unusable.)

Something that needs to be noted is the fact that the Reckonin class is all built by growing components that have been genetically manipulated from the Grey technology they found. It isn't techniocally grey, nor are they grafting parts on from Grey ships; the organic parts are grown around the mechanical parts. This is why it doesn't take very long to create one of these ships. (It can be completely built and tested in three months.)

Ok, enough of that. Now, let's get to what the modelers careabout. Here is the sketch from the site:

The Wings:
The first point I would like to illustrate, is the wings. Everyone's been geting them.. well, wrong. They are thick attatched to the body, and then thin out as you get to the pods. I sat down with the artist and in five minutes cmae up with a general profile of the wings. (Attatched in .3ds format) Here's a couple views:





Now keep in mind, this is just the general shape, to show people that it gets pretty thing, and to show the twist in the win itself. Imagine, if you will, taking a curved piece of paper. hold one end flat, ent then twist the other end ten degrees. That's the kind of shape we're going for.  Something I do want to point out, however, is that due to time, and laziness on my part I used a ruff sketch of the profile of the win, but then used a mere oval on the end... looking back at the picture that's not exactly right. Also, the relative dimensions are kinda off, but it gets my point across I think. The best thign to do is really to just open the file up in a modeler, and look at it. (I did it in rhino.. I can put it into a few other formats if nessicary.)

Other Elements:

Let's point out a few other other elements, with brief descritons:

Here, on the command center (or 'head' of the ship) circled in red are two turrets. A note on turrets. Most of these turrets have a armor cover that closes over them like an eyelid.. or similiar mechanism.

Here on the neck are two more turrets, or possibly missle launchers.

Aagin, more turrets.

Here, near the primary weapon is even more turrets.

In red, we have more turrets, to help protect the landing bay. In green, we have a subspace engine.

This is the primary weapon. It is mostly organic, with metalic bone protrusions that focus the beam. There are only four of these.

A good number of people wonder what this cutout section of the hull is. In Actuality, it's the escape pods. This is right abother the Crew Quarters, so that it is easy for majority of the crew to escape. There may be escape pods elsewhere, but they aren't fisible through the armor of the ship. (They would have to be revealed by a blow away section of armor, or something.)

This here, is one of the two engines. It is a technilogical part that is cut into, and fitted onto (Well, almost appearing that way) a large section of organic bone like material. If you notice the boarder of whitespace around the engine? I would imagine that is obviously metal. The engine itself is either red, or blue, and glows, obviously.

These are the docking bays. Not only are they docking bay, but fighterbays as well. As soon as I can get a few ruff sketches, I will describe how they work.

This is a ridge of bone that is kinda like a spine to the ship. (Only it doesn't carry nerves; it is part of the cupport structure of the ship) It has metal plates that sit around it, and cover it in places, but for the most part, it's just bone.

This part confuses people. This is a crest of bone that follows from the bone ridge. This isn't a circular section on the back, or anything else. Unfortunately I don't even have a description of what the pack looks like, so I can't tell you.... yet.

Also, in that last picture, if you look at the edges, you see that there's some bone that covers the actual edge, and extends for a little ways. This happens in other places, and should be the same type of bone as the ridge (I'm imagining a dark, almost coal balcke shiney bone like thing). While this is a simple detail, it should be in the model.

I hope this gives people a good enough idea to start a basic model of it. This is so insanely detailed, that I know you won't want to spend the time to make every little thing you see in the sketch, but the more detailed, the better, We can always drop detail out, if need be.

Let me know if anything else needs to be made clear!

Ok, I need to let everyone know that I'm not going to be doing too much game or story related over the next few days. I don't know how reachable I will be, but I don't think I'll be doing much managing like stuff if I am... You see, my grandmother just passed away. I haven't talked to her for almost a year now, because I couldn't handle seeing/hearing her in all that pain. I couldn't handle that, and I kept telling myself that I would have the opertunity to make it up to her, eventually. Now, I don't have that.

Because of how much this has shaken me to my core, and how difficult it is for me to deal with, I'm not going to be pretty active for a week, or two. I don't know how much time I need, and this isn't a suspension on work for precursors by any means; it's a personal thing I need to deal with. In the lack of me bign around, I'm going to leave contingencyplan and whitelynx in charge of making all decisions in my absence. I will still be around on the forums to a degree (Who am I kidding? I read these things multiple times every day... they help me get through boring classes), but please understand that I'm not working on the game for a while. (Caenus, you can still ask me about anything you need regarding the concept art, since I don't want that going on hold... and it's pretty simple stuff for me.)

Other than that, prayers, and messages are appreciated. I will let you all know when I'm back, and working.


Precursors Artwork / HUD Contest Design: HudComp2 AltSize
« on: November 26, 2005, 05:19:11 pm »
This is a revision of his previous submission. I like!

Precursors Artwork / HUD Contest Design: HudComp2
« on: November 26, 2005, 04:37:19 pm »
Here is another submission from Ryan. Let's hope there's even more to come!

Now, with alternate crosshair:

Precursors Artwork / HUD Contest Design: HudComp1
« on: November 26, 2005, 01:46:02 pm »
I recieved this submission over e-mail just a few moment ago. It's done by Ryan Berkani. It's very promising:

General Discussion / Jim's Big Ego - A Great Band!
« on: November 25, 2005, 05:58:22 pm »
Well, I was just listening to some of my music, and I cam across the two albumbs I have of Jim's Big Ego. They are an amazing band, and I love a good deal of thier work. So, I've decided to put two of my favorite songs on the forums here. One is directed to Caenus, the other is for all those with too much stress i your life. Let me know and I'll make the albums available to whomever wants them... unless people have legal issues with it. Then, e-mail me, and I'll tell you where to get them.(Legally!)

Here are the songs:
Math Prof Rockstar



Precursors Artwork / HUD Contest Design: 3D Chrome
« on: November 23, 2005, 10:38:11 pm »
This is a submission by Cosmo. It's not exactly a hud, but, man, is it pretty. I asked him if he could do a ruff hud layout, using this as the reference for the hud style.

Precursors Artwork / HUD Contest Submission. Read First!
« on: November 16, 2005, 07:49:40 pm »
First off, let me thank you for submitting art to our contest. PLease format your submissions as follows:

Title: "HUD Contest Design: SubMissionName"

Body: Basically, explain everything about your submission, why you made it this way, and tell us what things do. Include as many pictures as possible.

Also, please, please, please, read the HUD Contest Page before submitting. It's located here:

Any submissions not in the proper format will be manually edited by me, and possibly locked, just because of the hassle. :P  :-X So, you'd better format them right. Thanks!

--The Management

General Discussion / A random observation...
« on: November 15, 2005, 06:57:57 pm »
I just realized I'm a creepy forum stalker. I sit on the forums almost constantly. I mean, look at this: on the forums stats page, under most time online: morgul 18h 53m. Yeah, I spend waaaaay too much time online.

General / Corrupt a Wish...
« on: November 14, 2005, 09:13:36 am »
Well, since it's so much fun n the GoRC forums, I figured I'd give it a shot here. Let's play a game of 'Corrupt a wish.' Rules are very simple: You reply with a corruption of the wish above you (something to make it backfire, or just something bad) and you then include your wish below that. Wishes can be anything. So, I'll start off.

I wish I wasn't so damned soar from camping, and splitting wood.

General Announcements / HUD Art Contest
« on: November 11, 2005, 07:54:05 pm »
That's right! We're holding a three week long HUD Art Contest! We would like *everyone* to sumbit some HUD art. Please, we don't care if it's crappy, we'll work with you to improve it! You can sumbit revisions to entries, and mulitple entries! The details are here: So, please, check it out! We hope to see a submission from you soon! 8)

General Announcements / Morgul turns 21!
« on: November 04, 2005, 12:03:14 am »
Yes, I know it's sad, posting an announcement about your own birthday, but I'm trying out the new calander, and I figured I'd put this up there, for all to read. So, yeah, I'm turning 21! W00t! No, doesn't mean I'm going out, annd drinking, either.... can't. Liver issues make alcohol my worst enemy. Might have one, though, for the shear novelty... who knows. Any way, it'll be fun!


Bug Reports / New Forums (To Do List)
« on: November 03, 2005, 11:39:58 am »
Well, I've found a few things that need to be done on the new forums, so I figures I'd list them, and then take requests for things you'd like to see changes. Here's my list so far:

    Form Changes Needed:
    • Smiley Themes - [size 8pt]We actually need to install some.[/size] (DONE)
    • Color Theme - [size 8pt]We currently have some installed, but we need to make one that fits our website style.[/size] (DONE)
    • Calander Feature - [size 8pt]SMF has this ability, but we need to configure it, and use it.[/size] (DONE)

      SMF Feature Requests:
      • Save Draft - [size 8pt]The ability to safe a draft for a set amount of time.[/size]
      • Auto Save Draft - [size 8pt]Like G-Mail, it save a draft every few seconds, to make sure you don't lose your post.[/size]

      Any other things?


      [edit: added contingencyplan's suggestion about the calander, and draft feature.][/list][/list]

      General Announcements / New Forums!
      « on: October 30, 2005, 11:44:34 pm »
      As I'm sure you can see, we've moved to new forums! If you've been hiding under a rock, and haven't heard, we also moved to a new webhost. These moves have been spawned for a number of reasons, but let's just say that the new forums and host are going to really make things unbelievably kickass around here. Please, be patient as we iron out any wrinkles in the new system... it's going to be a pretty fun ride, the next few days.

      Something I would like to point out. These new forums have so many new features, it's impossible to list them all. Some of the bests ones are RSS feeds on new posts, and the ability to send the forums posts out as a mailing list! It's awesome. We also allow for uploads now (including avatars) and there are quite a bit of new things for you to explore. What are you waiting for? Get clicking!!

      Precursors / What do Characters do when Players go offline?
      « on: October 04, 2005, 11:02:03 am »
      More and more, I find myself thinking that I really hate the idea of characters not doing something when the player goes offline. Instead, I'd like to propose a few ideas I had, and get some others for how we can do something different here.

      My thought is that while you're playing, your character will have a general routine. Whether it's a trade run, or hanging out in a bar, or something. This might even be able to be decided by the player. While youre offline, and AI controls your character, and performs what you told it to do. I think that you should be able to get as detailed as possible with the AI, and even give it the ability to respond/talk like your character, and make decisions you would make in that given situation.

      Now, the problem would be if the character dies while you're offline. While we could say, "program your offline AI better" I think it's a cop out. We could also cop out, and make offline players 'unkillable' or something... I still don't like it. Instead, I think that we should allow for players to decide where/what they're character is going to be doing offline, and if they choose a dangerous thing, then, they better be praying thier character stays alive. Now, that doesn't garud against unhappy players, and things like that. So, if we give them a "Ressurect Token" or whatever, if thier player dies, then they won't be quite as pissed. They might also choose to leave the character dead, and make a new one. It will add a new depth to the RP aspect of this game.

      What do you all think? This is a pretty controversial idea, I'd say. Give me feedback! :-p.

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