G33X Nexus Entertainment
Open Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Neo on January 05, 2006, 09:33:44 am
Brian asked in one of his post what the big deal about double posting is.
1. Well in a clan if you are trying to figure out how active a member is, then a good way to do so is usualy chekcing his post count. The more post, generaly the more active the member.
2. Everytime a person double posts it brings the topic up to the top of the list, if it's nothing that anyone but one person wants to talk about it gets bothersome to have to skip over it every time you try to look for a popular or new topic.
3. If they have a signature of any lingth then you get a LARGE page of nothing but a few lines and signatures. Again, this makes it very bothersome to have to shift through and read.
4. It increases a persons post count, making it seems as if they are active, when in fact they were either to lazy to use the edit button, of they deside not to. (unless the edit button is unavailbe)
5. It makes the whole forums just look bad in general. I mean, here I have a topic that is just about as popular as any other, I've increased my post count, I've flooded the screen with my signature, I've said very little of any value (with the exception of illustrating my point) and here you are reading it. Was this REALY worth your time?
I think what you're saying is valid, but I don't have a problem with a double post IF the first post has been unanswered for like two weeks. I've done this once or twice on the GoRC forums. If I post something and then have big news that goes in that thread, I'm not gonna edit my last post, because no one will see my news. Do I like the idea of simply allowing multiple posts in one shot? No. Do I care if two posts by the same author are touching one another? No.
Holy Macoroni!!! A Sinquential (probably not the right word or right spelling) Poster!!! What were you saying Reynard? Oh, and I agree with Caenus.
Ah, okay, I gotcha now Reynard. However, it was in reference to Infernal's double posting. I haven't seen him (or many people, for that matter) double-posting a lot, so I was wondering why you were reprimanding him over it. I agree with Caenus - perhaps even to the point of saying less than two weeks is fine (but not like 5 in a span of 30 minutes - that's excessive and asking for a reprimand). I'm not planning on making a huge deal out of it if I see two posts touching each other on an occasional basis (hell, I've done it from time to time). I would say, though, that people shouldn't make a habit of it, and if it's shortly after their original post, then yeah - use the "Modify" button. It's there for a reason.
Ah, at least I got my point across. The reason I got after Infernal is becuase he was doing it excesivly on that topic.
Sigh why did I get the evil commander whose jealos of me almost having more posts then him...
Hehe jk neo your the man
talk about double posting!!! that was like a
and watever five is...
so u just did like a major double post i would say wat it was so..yea
the one after QUAD wich equals 4 * if you didnt know... :) *
Quintuple is the word.
However, if you wanna talk about 5 things in a row, the word is quintesequential.
Quintuple is the word.
However, if you wanna talk about 5 things in a row, the word is quintesequential.
and what about 27 times? lol you seem like the guy that would know ;)
Anything (not a number rounded to a ten) above 12 is typically just prefixed with the number.
Like a 13 sided polygon would be a "thirteen-agon"
No, I'm not kidding you.
i happen to like it too....but i digress (oooh big word) i never read this post before cuzz i thought it was a place to double post and i only do that when i want to post in the same topic while i'm in school. i can only post certain periods so if i double post and i'm continuing the other one, that's what happened and i didn't know that you could edit someone's post until REYNARD/NEO bitched at me about it. so there.......*blows raspberry at neo and flips the bird*