G33X Nexus Entertainment
G33X Nexus Entertainment => Precursors => Requiem for Innocence => Current Projects => Precursors Artwork => Topic started by: Oceanus on December 05, 2005, 09:11:44 am
I am new to modeling. I kinda went overboard with the tank. I had too much fun. The tank was modeled and rendered in Rhino 3.0 Beta. The swordfish is almost finished. Its not complete in the engine area and the fuselage needs some loving. The Tracks on the tank are all done individualy. I want to animate then but I dont know how. I also need to know how to UV map. Any tutorial on how to do that in Rhino would be very nice.
Never mind about the UV tutorial. I need Deep Paint for UV mapping. I am completely new to 3D modeling. My only exposure to it was knowing how to use patch, trim, split, loft, cross sections hatch, and level 2 beams. The swordfish was done off of one picture I had of it and I had to do a lot of guessing in certain areas. Reason I didnt finish the engine was because the picture I had didnt show the engine that well.
The tank is actually a rip from the M1 Abrahms tank. I used three views in order to model this. I also did some custom stuff to it. More weapons are to be added and some textures need to be added aswell.
The tank looks very good. The sword fish, as you said, it needs some lovin', but it's getting there. I can atleast look at it, and know what it is.
Keep it up!
I will try my hand at creating a spacestation for docking and such. My question is...will players get to walk around inside of them?
Yes. However the models that you see outside, and the interior the player sees not only *should* be seperate maps, but will be. However the dimensions of the interior maps *should fit* inside the exterior ones. (We are going to be doing a 1:1 scale)
Ya. I figured. Your probably going to use teleportation when the ship enter docking sequence or w/e it does to dock.