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Messages - windshipper

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Don't take it personally, but don't revel in the fact that you are a stereotypical brainless fart just like every other high school student in this country.

Hey! now that's not fair! At least to me it isn't. I'm not(at least i don't think so) stereotypical. And i'm smart

but it does apply to some people. Just not all of them....which makes that a stereotype!
I have yet to see a single iota of proof of this.

No . . . do you ever actually read?

Is this what kids think is cool these days?  To act like complete ignoramuses simply for shits and giggles? 

That's it, I quit.  I'm moving to Europe.  Who's with me?

My comment was in regards to society, you just happen to personify these horrendous qualities.  Don't take it personally, but don't revel in the fact that you are a stereotypical brainless fart just like every other high school student in this country.
One also ought not go "It's not my fault! I can't help it! Waaah!" because that further shows the horrible qualities that they teach in school as well. Stop. Being. A. Dunce.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Where is everyone???
« on: May 01, 2008, 11:13:46 pm »
Everyone decided it was time their Social Life blossomed.  Everyone but me.

(Actually, I just got home from Game night with the buddies.)
Out watching "Berlin is in Germany."

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Interesting Insults
« on: May 01, 2008, 07:32:23 pm »
I use my brain sometimes.
Apparently never on GNE though.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: I love rock and roll...
« on: May 01, 2008, 06:20:08 pm »
Atreyu . . .

I wonder if anyone under the age of 18 understands the reference.

who said I was under 18??
We assumed that and decided to give you credit for being a high schooler, because no one older than high school would be nearly as dumb as you.

Well. I guess we were wrong.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Fun emoticons
« on: May 01, 2008, 06:18:05 pm »
which reminds me of your pencil that smells like root beer..............
Kmd, you did across the street rather than down the road, didn't you?

Go try again.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Interesting Insults
« on: May 01, 2008, 06:16:42 pm »
1.) I wouldn't consider myself "over-sexed"
2.) I don't even use youtube. I've been on it like 5 times in my life and have never even read the comments.
3.) Insults that require thought tend to ruin the insult.
4.) I haven't watched porn since I was like 12.

1. I wouldn't consider you over-sexed either. You clearly haven't been fucked in a LONG time, judging by how little blood is left for your brain to use.
2. I can see why - the more you hide under your rock, the less the chance of encountering someone who expects you to conduct yourself with a modicum of intelligence. No encounters with other people, things, or ideas = no strain on your already heavily taxed mental abilities.
3. Just... Just.... Wha... My mind is blown. Fuck off, seriously.
4. And what kind of porn was it?

Considering his post count on this forum is higher than mine and he's only been registered a short time, I think it's a safe bet he's never been fucked.

Unless his hand counts.

ok I said I wasn't over-sexed. That doesn't mean I have never been fucked. I have an ex who was obsessed with sex. No names because there are two people from my school on this site.
It's ok. On the internet, everyone is a sex god.

Edit: Goddamn some people don't get a hint.

you're all mean! but i guess it's my fault.
Good assumption. You learn quickly.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: I love rock and roll...
« on: May 01, 2008, 05:24:17 pm »
16 Volt

You have yet to make an offer man, it's the gentlemanly thing to do.

Wave a 100 dollar bill and see what happens.

You're supposed to offer what you think they're worth.

I'll start with $5, thanks.

i know....but you see that's one of the reasons she least that's what she told me....
So then we have a coder who can't read or follow rules? When we already have coders, why do we need a hooker who claims to code but fails to show basic reading comprehension?

well it doesn't really matter...but did i tell you, she can a code a little.*changes topic*
So you are neither confirming nor denying that she is a hooker then? So we should just assume that she is?

Cae, why are we letting hookers post on these forums? Especially when they haven't offered us services yet? I mean I know you're a married man and all, but there are some of us who are single.

113 has to do with the price of hookers in Vegas because Dee is from Vegas and she would know ;)
Are you claiming that your friend is a hooker? Namely, that it has to do with the price of hookers in Vegas because she's there, and the fact that there are then more hookers and the same amount of Joes means that she lowers the price of hookers in Vegas?

That's not a very nice way to talk about your friends, Erica.

Well, then what did i do?
Did you hear that? That's the sound of something going right over your head.

Are the excessive quotation marks bad, too? Sorry, it they are, i didn't know. Please don't be mad. :(
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!! No soul-man agrees!!!!!!!!! That means we have to do it!!!!!!  :buddy:
Are you by any chance a friend of Erica's?

YEAH!!! I say we burn her at the stake!!!!!  (erica i mean)
And yes, i was amused by dingus, too.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Interesting Insults
« on: May 01, 2008, 04:11:52 pm »
Maybe he's looking for some razorblades.  Gotta ease that delicious, angsty pain, and how better than through ritualistic bloodletting?

Just remember Kmd, it's down the street, not across the road.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Interesting Insults
« on: May 01, 2008, 03:58:07 pm »
WHY do you post here? It's certainly not because you have anything interesting or intelligent to add to the discussion.

The Wallth Are Thoundproof / Re: Interesting Insults
« on: May 01, 2008, 03:51:56 pm »
1.) I wouldn't consider myself "over-sexed"
2.) I don't even use youtube. I've been on it like 5 times in my life and have never even read the comments.
3.) Insults that require thought tend to ruin the insult.
4.) I haven't watched porn since I was like 12.

You know what, you're right, I've seen the error of my ways. Having to use your wit and humor to create an insult that is original and humorous completely ruins the point of insulting someone. Shakespeare was a fool to create long winded, creative, and funny insults. Instead he should have called someone a boner breath. You're right, generations of human thought and wit have been wasted.

We should all just call people boner breaths, cum guzzlers, and numb nuts. That is the height of humor and wit.

How could we never have seen nor understood after all this time...  :suicide:

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