Well, tonight we finally got the menu/GUI doing something. We spent about two hours spinning our wheels, and I bet I pissed of Reaka (Chii), but we got it done. I'm very tired, and I have class in the morning. That's ok, I'm just so happy that we've finally gotten to a point of usability. Now, before we release, we need to get a different scene rendering in the background. (A nice Nebula, or something? I dunno.) Then, we need to impliment most of the menu's functionality. Right now, it quits, and it opens other menu windows. It's a start, but a long was from a completely working menu.
Didn't get to working on the system entity definitions. It's kinda taken a back seat to the GUI junk. I mean, it's important to get the GUI stuff done, but I don't want to loose steam on the Systems work.... I mean, we're so close to combat. Then, on to finishing networking. Then we can release. I figure, we've waited this long, I want to release big. Networking, combat, GUI, oh, man, this will be sweet. The game will be a fucking game!
After all that, then we'll make joysticks work, and impliment character creation, and start adding to the gameplay. Maybe complicate the ships some more, put a big ship in there, and do Capital Ship movement, and junk like that. It'll rock. I'm tired... It's sleep time.... maybe.