Author Topic: The Hobbit Movie  (Read 8561 times)

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The Hobbit Movie
« on: May 29, 2008, 09:34:32 am »
Hey, all!
I'm no good at keeping up with these things, so I don't know when this info. was released, but I JUST found out that Guillermo del Toro will be directing The Hobbit, and Peter Jackson will be producing. This makes me very happy. I LOVE Guillermo sooo much.
**For those who don't know, he is the man who did Pan's Labyrinth.**
So, he's rocking at the whole 'dark, yet whimsical fantasy.'

And, I discovered a huge question chat with him and Jackson answering tons of questions about the upcoming movies. Yes, movies.
Apparently, they're also making a film about 'the time between The Hobbit and the Ring Trilogy. I'm curious as to what they're going to stick in it, but it seems some of it will include 'the mysterious things Gandalf does when he leaves Bilbo and the Dwarves.' And that makes me squee.

Here's a link to that interview:

Hobbitses Chattings

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Re: The Hobbit Movie
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2008, 06:12:49 am »
I was reading about this the other day.  I was a actually looking up some old English stuff and happened to run across a Tolkien fan's website and half of it was dedicated to new about the Hobbit movie.  I had heard rumors about this for ages, but I'm glad they're doing it. :bandwagon: <- that's just awesome.