Author Topic: [Canon]: Sean Krim  (Read 5728 times)

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[Canon]: Sean Krim
« on: March 13, 2008, 10:19:58 pm »
Sean Krim
by Christopher S. Case

Full Name: Sean Micheal Krim
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Bald
Heritage: League
Affiliation: League (Executive Officer, LN Archigos II)

Personality: Sean is a very cool, calculating person. He seems friendly, when he's in the mood. Often, he'll simply smile, wishing to remain a mystery. Most women find his enigmatic personality alluring. Combined with his looks, and suave nature, he can easily seduce most members of the female sex.

Beneath his cool exterior is a raging beast. He is jealous, possessive, paranoid, and sadistic. He craves power, specifically the power he can have over people through pain. Giving pain has become an addiction of his, and while most would give in to obsession, he's turned it into a tool, something he can use to help channel and focus his impulses to his advantage.

Quirks: Sean as a slight, subtle twitch to the sound of an angry man yelling. His father often raged at him, beating him, and beating his mother. It was this that taught Sean his disrespect and loathing of women, but also gave him his only real fear: fer of his father's retribution. As such, even now that he's well on his way to excelling his father's ambitions, he still fears the man.

History: Sean's father is an Admiral, and a man obsessed with power. He was brutal, doling out a pittance of praise with a handful of scorn. His father's rage even cost Sean's mother her life. Her death jaded Sean to death, and seeing his father grab at whatever ptoower and control he had shaped Sean into the monster he is.

After his mother's death, Sean promised himself he would become better then his father in every way. Better at controlling others, better at gaining power. He applied himself to the goal of becoming a ship captain, knowing that once in control of such a powerful vehicle, he would be in a position to start challenging his father's support. He could instill loyalty in his crew, and through them, expand outward and create a base of power not based off fear, but off respect and accomplishment. His only roadblock was his rival, David Case.

David and Sean had become rivals David's first day at the academy. What took him years to do only took David months. Instead of bullying David, Sean decided to befriend David. They stayed friends until their last year at the academy. Sean had recently started dating a girl that David had wanted to date for a while. When the girl was found dead, beaten to death, David tried to get Sean convicted of the murder. Sean actually had killed her, but his father was powerful enough to cover his son's tracks. Sean learned that even after years of trying to instill loyalty in David, that the younger man would never bend to another's will. Since that day the two of them have been rivals.

Both Sean and David were up for command of the Archigos II. David got the command, and Sean received the posting of Executive Officer, Second Shift. While this meant he would get some command experience (since the Captain was only on the first shift), it also meant that he could never be transferred to first shift unless Glyse, David's sister, was transferred.

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