Author Topic: [Canon]: Kaeya Hattori  (Read 5394 times)

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[Canon]: Kaeya Hattori
« on: March 13, 2008, 08:53:08 pm »
Kaeya Hattori
by Christopher S. Case

Full Name: Kaeya Hattori
Race: Artificial Intelligence (LN Archigos II)
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 105lbs
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Black
Heritage: League
Affiliation: League (Commander, LN Archigos II)

Personality: Kaeya tends to be quiet and reserved in most situations. She has a very mature sense of humor, but she tends to keep it in reserve for when it's least expected. (She enjoys catching people off guard, and some of her fondest memories are the looks of surprise on her opponent's face.)

Since becoming an AI, however, Kaeya has also adopted a detachment as a way of reminding herself that she's no longer a human. David is often chiding her that just because she may no longer be human it doesn't mean she needs to abandon her humanity. She's still struggling with that idea.

Quirks: Her primary quirk is that her body is merely a physical shell, a part of the ship, and as such, it ca be repaired in the same manner. She still feels pain, but her body can be destroyed without actually causing harm to her. She can also repair it at a rate impossible for most species.

An extension of this is her ability to change her physical appearance. She can change just her cloths, or her entire appearance at whim. There are even times she changes her species. (Rarest of all is when she becomes a hybrid Grey-Sooni-Human; those moments would scar the witnesses for the rest of their lives... if she left any.)

History: Kaeya entered the League Military Academy at the age of twelve. While most students are forced to wait until they are thirteen, she had already proven herself a strategic genius. Becoming the League's Chess champion at fifteen was entirely expected, and didn't even garnish any praise from her peers. Only her father expressed his pride in the amazing mind she possessed. Kaeya took everything in stride, pushing herself to her mental and physical limits on a daily basis. Because of her age and her Japanese Heritage, she endured merciless taunts from most of her peers, until she neatly would break and arm or sometimes even a finger. Generally she did this in such a way that she could never be linked to the accident, without embarrassing the bully. On the few occasions she did get in trouble she accepted the punishment with pride, knowing that her assailant would never be able to rebuild their respect with the other students. By the time she graduated at 17, she had no enemies, and only a handful of friends.

Kaeya's first assignment was on the front lines. She was the Flight Dispatcher, relaying orders to the defense pilots, and handling decisions that had to be made on the spot, and couldn't be relayed. It was here that she met David Case, her eventual captain and friend. They dated for a few months, but Kaeya was reassigned, and the relationship ended. A few years later, they were both assigned to the Archigos I, and they renewed both their relationship and their friendship. While the relationship didn't last, (Glyse was a huge thorn in Kaeya's side, and to this day, she has some negative feelings towards her) their friendship and respect did. When David became captain of the Archigos, he promoted her to head of security. A few years later, he specifically requested her for duty on the Archigos II

During an unexpected encounter with an unknown alien force  on their first mission, David was forced to activate the ship's organic core. This core was originally designed to accept a person as it's template for the Artificial Intelligence. However, this system was deactivated because of concerns about it's mental stability and just where such a creature's loyalties would lie. Kaeya sacrificed herself, allowing the ship to take her, and therefore became the ship's Artificial Intelligence. In truth, Kaeya Hattori died, and a new entity with all of her memories and most of her personality was reborn, in her image. This event was very traumatic for Kaeya, and she sometimes wonders if she'll ever come to grips with what she has become.

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« Last Edit: March 13, 2008, 10:02:07 pm by Emerwyn »
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