Author Topic: RakNet Networking Library License  (Read 6276 times)

Offline Morgul

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RakNet Networking Library License
« on: July 09, 2005, 11:42:42 am »
Just figured I'd drop a line to the general forums, and inform everyone that we just recieved a free license for RakNet, a feature complete networking library. ( Besides the fact that it supports peer to peer and client server style networking, it also has voicechat built in! (And the quality is amaxing, let me assure you.)

Now, it will be a while before we see networking in precursors. The reasons are that right now, our app is one application... there is no client or server. We need to make a split, and work on the logic behind that split. This will take some time, but that's ok.

Also, another hurdle we need to jump over is writting a wrapper for RakNet. This wrapper will allow it to communicate with CEL, which is inportant, because all out game entities are CEL objects. That will take even more time, not because of complexity, but because Dave (whitelynx) will have to do it (most likely), and he's busy working a job 5 days a week, doing coding. However we'll keep plodding along, and get the job done, as always. Look for a new version (mostly bugfixes, and a major internal structure redesign) soon, and comabt w/ networking to ocme inside the next two releases after that. (Bet around december, or January. Maybe sooner)

We thank you for sticking around, and showing interest. We'll try to push things as fast as humanly possible... and get you something you can actually play soon.

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