Open Discussion > The Wallth Are Thoundproof

Things you just can't say....

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--- Quote from: windshipper on May 02, 2008, 02:21:59 pm ---
How about "hace dos anos" instead?

And eh, I'll live if they call me a gringo. It's the truth.

--- End quote ---

You, sir, would be called a gabacho.  Gringo's call gabachos gringos.


--- Quote from: Voodoofly on May 06, 2008, 04:51:48 pm ---
--- Quote from: windshipper on May 02, 2008, 02:21:59 pm ---
How about "hace dos anos" instead?

And eh, I'll live if they call me a gringo. It's the truth.

--- End quote ---

You, sir, would be called a gabacho.  Gringo's call gabachos gringos.

--- End quote ---
Either one would be true, to the best of my knowledge.

Gabacho is the harsher term and is almost exclusively used for the purpose you described in Mexico and the Western US.  In fact, it's usage stems from Mexican slang as opposed to centralized language.  In Central America, we're Gringos.  Nicaraguans don't know what a gabacho is.  Gringo IS the universal term for foreigner.

Gringos don't call gabachos gringos, users of Mexican slang (i.e. gang members and Mexican people who are lower on the socioeconomic ladder) call gringos gabachos. 

Trust me, in all the time I spent in Mexico, I was only called a gabacho ONCE.

"Some people intentionally don't expose themselves to gay people...Probably shouldn't say it like that"

*Everyone laughs*

-College professor

oh wow...i remember you telling me about that one.


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