Author Topic: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors  (Read 24077 times)

Offline whitelynx

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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2006, 08:51:34 pm »
Since I saw the post of this bug on Trac, I figured I'd come here and find the post that generated it. :-P
Some questions about the suggested keys:

Tactical Movment Suggestion (Keyboard):
Elevation: Up and down numpad 8 and numpad 2
Sideslip: left and right numpad 4 and numpad 6
Yaw+Roll: upleft numpad 7
Yaw+Roll: upright numpad 9
Yaw+Roll: downleft numpad 1
Yaw+Roll: downright numpad 3
Why exactly do we want yaw and roll at the same time? I can only see that making things much more confusing. Especially since there would be no up/down. (pitch is pointing the nose of the craft up and down... yaw is pointing the nose left and right, and roll is tilting the craft from side to side) Instead, I'd suggest using numpad '7' and '9' as roll left/right, and '1' and '3' as yaw left/right.

Stop in all dirrections: Numbpad 0
Stop in all dirrections but forward and back: numpad 5
Accellerate Forward: numpad +
Accellerate Backward: numbpad Enter
Plasma: Space Bar
Personally, since you're using '+' and 'Enter' as forward and backward, I'd say use '-' for stopping in all directions. Also, if you're aiming to leave the left side open for typing, you don't want to be using space bar... a popular alternative for firing weapons is the numpad 'Insert' key. If we use that, you could even use '/' and '*' for switching weapons if you wanted. (or those could be roll, since they're left/right)

<!- This leaves the left side of the keyboard free for hotkeys and typeing -!>

Free Flight Controles (Keyboard):
Accelerate: w and s
Roll: A and D
Sideslip: q and e
Elivation: Page up and Page Down
Pitch: Up and Down Arrow Keys
Yaw: Left and Right Arrow Keys
Slow All Dirrections: CapsLock (This way you come to full stop when not pressing

Slow except forward and back: Space Bar
Ok, this looks like it would be usable... I may change the default keymap to this.

<!- This allows for an easyer of movement without cramping hands -!>

Toggle Between Tactical and Free Flight: Numlock

Doing something like this would require scripting, since it would dynamically change the key bindings in-game... We will have support for this eventually, but it's going to take a while.

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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2006, 01:05:55 am »
I just can't wait to get the next version with joystick support.
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Offline Morgul

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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2006, 02:01:57 am »
Wait no more. It's been posted.
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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2006, 12:10:17 pm »
Woohoo!!  Now if you could just give me some time to actually play it.
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Offline Morgul

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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2006, 03:01:19 pm »
*hands him time*

Unfortunately, it will expire quickly, so you'd better use it now.

Oh no, it's now past it's expiration date. Sorry.

"Just because my math may tell lies doesn't mean that I don't understand the quantum mechanics of it all." --Caenus

The popular videogame "Doom" is based loosely around the time Satan borrowed two bucks from Vin Diesel and forgot to pay him back.

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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2006, 11:49:08 am »
Why exactly do we want yaw and roll at the same time? I can only see that making things much more confusing. Especially since there would be no up/down. (pitch is pointing the nose of the craft up and down... yaw is pointing the nose left and right, and roll is tilting the craft from side to side) Instead, I'd suggest using numpad '7' and '9' as roll left/right, and '1' and '3' as yaw left/right.

I wanted to be able to simulate a sort of joystick from the key board. You would start to move in an upritght dirrection and role off the target. This would be nice for tactical manuvers. You woulnd't want to move strate anyway. Haveing the numbpad arrows (2,8,6,4) to move verticaly and horistontaly without changing dirrection would also assist in tactical manuvers. I think I got yaw confused... I think it would have to be yawright+roleright+up on 9. I think that's what I meant. O.o you tell me. So that in a list would be:
Up+LeftYaw+RoleLeft = 7
Up+RightYaw+RoleRight = 9
Down+LeftYaw+RoleLeft = 1
Down+RightYaw+RoleRight = 3

Stop in all dirrections: Numbpad 0
Stop in all dirrections but forward and back: numpad 5
Accellerate Forward: numpad +
Accellerate Backward: numbpad Enter
Plasma: Space Bar

Well When you place your hand on the keypad you notice that your thumb is on 0 and your pinky is on enter. This means that you have access to enter and 0 all the time. Useing the other keys requires a shift of the fingers. I was thinking about putting up 0 as fire, or maybe 5. 5, enter and 0 are the most accessible. You are right about the all stop. That frees up 0 for fireing. I think we should use '.' for stop rotation. I like / and * for switch dirrection. And what to do with '5'...

Offline whitelynx

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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2006, 06:53:34 pm »
I wanted to be able to simulate a sort of joystick from the key board. You would start to move in an upritght dirrection and role off the target. This would be nice for tactical manuvers. You woulnd't want to move strate anyway. Haveing the numbpad arrows (2,8,6,4) to move verticaly and horistontaly without changing dirrection would also assist in tactical manuvers. I think I got yaw confused... I think it would have to be yawright+roleright+up on 9. I think that's what I meant. O.o you tell me. So that in a list would be:
Up+LeftYaw+RoleLeft = 7
Up+RightYaw+RoleRight = 9
Down+LeftYaw+RoleLeft = 1
Down+RightYaw+RoleRight = 3
Again, I think you have them confused... I would imagine you actually want something like this:
  • 7: pitch up, yaw left
  • 9: pitch up, yaw right
  • 1: pitch down, yaw left
  • 3: pitch down, yaw right
I don't see the point in including roll in these. If anything, it would be disorienting.

For now, we won't be able to do this. To be able to do this, we'd need to support scripting of input actions so that we could make new functions that included other basic functions. (like making an "up_right" function that rolls right and pitches up)

Well When you place your hand on the keypad you notice that your thumb is on 0 and your pinky is on enter. This means that you have access to enter and 0 all the time. Useing the other keys requires a shift of the fingers. I was thinking about putting up 0 as fire, or maybe 5. 5, enter and 0 are the most accessible. You are right about the all stop. That frees up 0 for fireing. I think we should use '.' for stop rotation. I like / and * for switch dirrection. And what to do with '5'...
Ok, what about this: (all on the numpad)
  • +: throttle up
  • enter: throttle down
  • -: zero throttle
  • 5: stop lateral movement (but not forward and backward)
  • 0 (insert): fire weapon
  • /: previous weapon
  • *: next weapon

Something to note in the above list is that we've reworked how the throttle works; instead of holding down the throttle to keep accelerating, each time you press (for instance) throttle up, it will increase your target speed by one unit. There is a maximum target speed that you can set for the ship. (more on this later) Then the ship will automatically use its thrusters to try to match the target speed you set. This way, zeroing the throttle will bring you to a full stop. (at least forward and backward)

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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2006, 02:16:43 am »
Yeah, I cranked my throttle to full on my joystick and crashed the game.
Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought, and have not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness.


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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2006, 03:08:14 pm »
Ah, that sounds right. I am not very 'flight' orented. I just know how to do it, not how to explain it.


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Re: Alpha Testing: Suggestions - Bugs - Errors
« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2006, 04:13:20 pm »
Yeah, I cranked my throttle to full on my joystick and crashed the game.

Heh...same happened to me :-P.