Author Topic: [Canon]: Jonathan Simon  (Read 7155 times)

Offline Morgul

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[Canon]: Jonathan Simon
« on: March 21, 2006, 08:59:26 pm »
Jonathan Simon
by Christopher S. Case

Full Name:  Jonathan Robert Simon
Race:  Human
Age:  225 (27)
Height:  5'10"
Weight:  160 lbs
Eye Color:  Green
Hair Color:  Brown
Heritage:  Terran
Affiliation:  Overseer (Agent)

Personality: Simon is cold, calculating, and arrogant. He walks the line between apathy and ignorance as if it were his personal mission to either not know or care about any major events in the world. This is, however, just a simple ploy he uses to keep from revealing whatever he's really thinking.

The calm, collected shell that he lets most people see is really only skin deep. He is psychotic, impulsive, and very dangerous. He can be angered easily, and has difficulty in controlling himself. He is consumed by blood lust, and as such must work very hard at pushing back his urges. That is why he is very seldom allowed to be out in public; he's simply too dangerous.

Quirks: Most would consider killing people a quirk, though he thinks of it as a rather enjoyable hobby. His actual quirks are much more subtle. Simon has a tendency to talk both to himself, and to the other personas in his head. Often he talks to Sylvia, as if he was having a conversation with her. (In fact he is, but only a select handful know this.)

His other quirk is his multiple personalities. It is very rare for any of the personas to take control, and to date only Jack and Jonathan actually have succeeded in doing so. Simon fights them fervently, and they rarely spend much time out. Still, under the right conditions, it is possible for Jonathan to take control without Simon's knowledge. It's a dangerous game, and Jonathan's generally much too weak to do it.

Focus: Simon is one of the few beings who can use focus. His abilities remained hidden until after he started killing. Then, with Sylvia's help, he was able to recreate something that appeared like his victims. They could walk, talk, move... and kill. He tried to recreate them true to life, but never could. His gift is the power to undo his crimes, and his curse is the inability to will them undone.

His ability, if fully unleashed, would allow him to create (or recreate) any number of individuals, and then reorder the universe so that it's as if they always existed. He has successfully done this once, with Lizbeth. He could, conversely 'undo' his creations, however he can only undo them to a point. The longer they exist, and the more will to exist they contain, the less he can reorder the universe. He can still remove their immediate existence, but everyone they knew still has memories of them. Given enough will, he would loose all control over their existence entirely.

Simon is limited to creating a single 'puppet' at a time, including Liz. However, very recently, he's been learning to manage a 'puppet', and Liz as well. It's very draining on him, but each time he does it, he finds it becoming easier. Eventually, he will be able to have any number of puppets out at a given time.

History: Simon was a lonely young man. He was very skilled with computers (and hacking), but lacked enough social grace to be able to land himself a decent enough job. He had a handful of close friends, the most devoted of which were Julia and Nicole. Simon had fallen in love with Nicole, while Julia was the sister who actually had feelings for him.

One day, he happened to meet a very attractive woman as he was walking home from his dead-end job. They started talking, and she showed tremendous interest in him. Within a matter of days, they were in a very serious relationship, and Simon felt that for the first time in his life, someone loved him. The woman was kind, intelligent, and seemed perfect for him. She even wanted to meet his friends. She even had the same name has his favorite grandmother: Sylvia.

Simon tried for three months to introduce Sylvia to his friends, they were beginning to even question her existence. Something always seemed to come up, despite how hard he tried to work things up. What he noticed, however, is that it was always on their end that strange events happened, keeping them from meeting her. Finally, the night came when everything worked out perfectly. Julia, Nicole and his other friend Daniel came over to meet this 'much talked about' girlfriend of Simon's.

Sylvia walked into the room, and introduced herself. None of the three friends even looked at her. Finally, after some awkward silence, Nicole asked, "So, Jonathan, where is she?" Needless to say, Sylvia was deeply hurt, and upset. Simon threw his friends out, despite their insistence that they didn't see anyone standing there. Simon couldn't believe how rude they were being.

Simon fell into a deep depression, hardly eating except when coaxed into it by Sylvia. Then, a week or so later, Julia came to Simon's door. She tried talking to him, tried explaining to him that no one had seen her, and that they thought that perhaps he had schizophrenia. Simon erupted at this, and threw her out. She refused to go, and in the struggle, Simon hit her. Sylvia was right there, whispering over his shoulder, telling him that the only way to end her lies was through killing her. At first, Simon resisted, but then Sylvia informed him that if he really loved her, he'd protect her. Eventually they would try to kill her, Sylvia, so he had to beat them to it. This pushed Simon over the edge, and pulling out his pocket knife, he stabbed Julia until she died. Her last words to Simon were, "I... I see her, Jonathan. She is a demon... I still love you."

Simon left the body in the alley by his house. He didn't believe what he'd done. Within hours, Nicole came looking for Julia. By then, the police were already searching the area for the killer, and Nicole simply knew that it had to have been Simon. She confronted him, but wasn't ready for the result. Simon had snapped; his personality ripped in two. Jonathan was no more, this was Simon that Nicole was facing, and he was angry and full of rage. He killed her with no compassion. After killing her, he gathered his possessions, and left. Sylvia helped him find a place to stay, and encouraged him to keep 'protecting' her. His next victim was a 13 year old girl, and this wasn't a crime of passion. This time, he enjoyed giving her pain, and breaking the small body. After Abby, he looked at killing as something special, something enjoyable.

It is interesting to note that Simon never once took advantage of his victims. He never raped them, never explicitly desecrated their bodies, never even took souvenirs. Each killing was an exploration of pain, and was very personal. Even when committing mass murder, he made sure to treat everyone individually.

Known Personas:
  o Sylvia - Sylvia is the reason Simon started killing. He is her willing puppet, and her only desire is to have a true body once more. No one is
      quite sure where she came from, or even what she is. However, she is even more evil then Simon.
  o Lizbeth - Lizbeth is a fluke. Simon has no idea where she came from, or what she really is. She is the only persona that he can create fully.
      formed. (More)
  o Jack - Jack is the closest thing to a Mediator in Simon's head. Jack doesn't participate in the killing, instead, remembering the person killed,
      and why. He is rarely allowed to speak, however.
  o Jonathan - This poor soul is his 'true' personality. Jonathan is generally very weak, and often in hiding. Simon would love to extinguish his
      only hope at redemption, but something keeps Jonathan alive, and hidden from the other personas, with the exception of Lizbeth and Jack.
  o Julia - She was Simon's first victim. She is shy, and very very scared of Simon. She hides from all the other personas, with the exception of
      Liz, and Nicole.
  o Nicole - His second victim. She was Julia's sister, and someone Simon was actually in love with. Simon has tried to recreate her, but hasn't
      been able to do it correctly without recreating Julia. Because of this (and his shame), he blames Nicole for all the annoyance in his life.
  o Abby - Abby is another of Simon's victims. However, upon dying, she twisted, now wanting to deal out pain to whomever she can. When she
      died she was a young child, and despite Simon's offer, she has chosen to retain that appearance and mentality.
  o Simon - This is how he prefers to be known. This persona is the only other 'original' one. It is what Simon has become, after centuries of

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« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 01:01:52 am by Morgul »
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