G33X Nexus Entertainment > General Announcements

New Testing Release! v0.3.2 "For Frickin' Finally"

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Well, two days late, we've got a testing release. I'm calling it "For Frickin' Finally", since it's 2:12am, and whitelynx is jut finishing it up. We've got a quiz tomarrow at 9:00am, and this is just busting our humps horribly. Fact is, the windows build system needed a complete overhaul... something we were unaware of. We've been working on this for 8 hours straight today alone, and we're just finishing it up. Yeah, fun times at coder central.

That being said, we've got it. We've tested it on two systems. If it's horribly borked, and steals your pie, don't come crying to us. You'll get a laptop in the face.

Also, as an aside, our performance has gone up a tad. On whitelynx's lapop (Nvidia 6600 Go PciE) he gets a range of FPS from 570 to 120. Yeah, that's with about 51,673 polys on the screen. Suck it, Doom 3.

Ok, ok, so we have crappy textures, crappy models, no real lighting, etc. Shut up, we know.

Also, of note, we've trmmed the installer to 30.6 megs! That's down from 76 of the orriginal release! The most recent release is only 28 megs, but we've added many more megs of content... like a working menu! w00t!

Ok, I'm going to bed now. Testers, go test. *bows*

--Christoper "I'm as tired as a dead manic depressive insomniac that just swan the english channel in one go" Case

As an aside, I thought people might be interested in where to download this latest icon of programming prowress. (snicker)


There. Now go away so I can finally sleep. -.-

Oh, there's that too.

Yeah, I was fixing to post on that, but I figured morgul was a noob. 


Talk to contingencyplan - he has a hat for you.

Actually, I knew I didn't post a link. Thing is, I went to bed before it was uploaded to the site. I told whitelynx to edit my post and put the link in. He decided to make me look like a noob, so I ran with it.


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