Author Topic: Content  (Read 5839 times)

Offline topher

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« on: August 11, 2005, 07:29:35 am »
In my other post just now I mentioned a need for content.  Do we have any plans yet for a mission system, task system, quests, etc?

If we took as much time with backstory, groups, politics, etc with content as we do with the actual game, we will have a plethra of good stuff come beta and rollout.  A coupl eof things i have seen in games would be kind of cool to implement.  In one game they have Agents where you go an get missions from.  There is a general bucket of missions and one is selected randomly.  They scale with the level of the Agent so they are usable by noobies and oldtimers a like.  They also added in story line agents/missions that advance some overall story for the player.  

Another thing I saw in a game was they have these battleground zones and you do quests for your side of the conflict.  As you do these quests your "avatar" for your side (just some super beefy npc) grows in power for when it attacks the other side.  We could do something similar with faction missions where as you complete quests for the Terran side, a deathstar is created, or something of the like.

ok, really ima go work now.


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« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2005, 04:08:06 pm »
Check this one out as far as the missions, at least an initial idea.

Quote from: "topher"
In one game they have Agents where you go an get missions from. There is a general bucket of missions and one is selected randomly. They scale with the level of the Agent so they are usable by noobies and oldtimers a like.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of this approach, at least not for this game.  While this is certainly better than the usual "everybody accomplishes the same missions in the same order" kind of deal (leading to lines waiting for a particular boss monster to respawn), it still suffers from the same ultimate shortcoming - the world is largely static.  Granted, it's more dynamic than the "everybody kill the Boss AssHat", but when you get down to it, everyone still has the same pool to choose from.

What I have in mind is more along the lines of the Total Annihiliation Boneyards, only done on a much larger scale (with some new ideas added).  In Boneyards, everybody logged into the server and was presented with a galaxy of planets.  Each of those planets corresponded to one of the multiplayer maps for the game.  Players were associated with either the Arm or the Core (the two sides in the game), and they engaged each other in 1v1 battles on those planets.  At the end of the day, the results for those battles were tallied, and the side with the most victories won control of the planet.  When a planet was won by a particular side, the nearby planets fell into contention, and the process repeated itself until one side finally controlled all the planets.  A very fun system... too bad 1) I had dialup, so I didn't play it much; 2) I sucked when compared to a lot of other players, so I usually lost when I played; and 3) Cavedog has since gone under, so the system is offline permanently, so I can't play anymore. :-(

But regrets aside... ;-)

Anyways, I gotta head out from work, so I'll finish this post later.
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« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2005, 05:39:54 pm »
There needs to be a lot more then just fighting,  whether its crafting, hauling, researching, pirating, etc...there needs to be a lot of variety.

Offline topher

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« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2005, 09:22:51 am »
Could we get a new category for story, background, fluff and start talking about some stuff?

Until that poiint, I have an idea for a new group.

Terran Liberation Front

A radical group of eco-terrorists who will stop at nothing to preserve what natural life is left on earth.   Led by a husband and wife team, they've slowly ammased their following into the 1000s with all kind of specialties.  Amoung them is the former chief ship designer for the Republic,  Dr. David Pickridge.   With the help of the Dr and scavanged ship parts the [TFL] has a respectable sized fleet to use in pursuing their goals.  All of the ships are named and modeled after organic sea creatures (Hammerhead, Mantis, Star, Dolphin, etc).

My daughter got some silly 'go fish' cards from some Happy meal.   I thought it would make an awesome idea for a group and ship design.
