Author Topic: Player Creation  (Read 17288 times)

Offline Morgul

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Player Creation
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2005, 10:42:46 am »
I won't rule it out, but so far I've not put any emphasis on this in my story, nor have I thought about including it in my game. I don't know as if I like genentic engineering for inclusion in the game, (well, aside from the fact that one of the three races that will exist are genentically engineered humans...) but I can see cyber implants....

I dunno... someone convince me I want to include either :-p.
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Player Creation
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2005, 11:21:47 am »
Well, I can definitely see a use (and need, storyline-wise) for cybernetic implants.  If you've ever played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, that's kinda what I'm thinking - have the ability to buy implants and install a finite number that give you enhanced / special abilities.  Roughly equivalent to buying magic in Planeshift, except we won't have mana.  Like I said, have connections built-in that allow you to interface easily and effectively with computers.  Or, reload faster or aim better.  

Perhaps the player could select what kinds of implants s/he would like to be able to use (e.g., certain connections in the brain, or in the arms, etc.), and maybe be able to receive a basic-level one at creation.  However, I would say save the best ones for shops and quests.

Another aspect (though not part of character creation) is what will be displayed on the inside of the visor in your helmet?  Presumably, everyone will wear a helmet with a visor or something like that.  Provides protection, of course, but also displays information, such as ammo, health, etc.  I'll likely put this in another topic.  So, how do we determine what is displayed on the visor and what is sent directly to the brain?  Perhaps something of both - if it's displayed on the visor, the visor is directly linked to the brain, so...

As far as genetic engineering, I can see the pros and cons to that.  But, if all 3 races are genetically modified humans, perhaps a player could choose:
  • What race they are, and
  • What genetic modification(s) they have, if any
  • [/list:o]
    Certain genetic modifications could supplement certain abilities, like computer intuition (though I wouldn't want them to be the source of the intuition), just like certain implants would.
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« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2005, 04:14:07 pm »
Why not have genemods be more powerful, but permenant and with drawbacks?  Messing with genes can be tricky, and a perfect result isn't totally possible -- it's a tradeoff, although you gain more than you lose.  Maybe incorporate into perks/flaws.

cyber-stuff could have drawbacks too, but probably not.  it's a little easier to do, but it's probably less powerful.

That'd also explain why there aren't more genemod races etc around -- it's too dangerous and it works out so rarely that people more-or-less gave up on experimenting with it and now concentrate on cyber-implants.  (why such a system fits into the story.)

Offline Morgul

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« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2005, 04:43:16 pm »
I'm sorry I haven't been able to post my thoughts on this.. even now I'm not quite up to going through all of it (been wokring way too much, and feeling kinda shitty)

I wrote a sticky thread about the races in the game.. there are four, three normal players will ever see, two that will be remotely common, only one that is common, (everything else is taken as rumors, and tall tales.)

Genetic modification I think is more accepted by the Terrans, and they very well may dable in it... but I think that there would eb laws against it in the league, based on the US's current attitude. At one point in time, it might have been popular, but people stopped doing it when they found out the mroe nasty side effects it might have. (A good percentage of those 'Gen-Mods' live near the galactic core, or in the 'free space' where smugglers, and pirates like to live.)

Cyber inplants are plausable, and in actuallity there is some technology that utilizes this in the story, but not in the 'normal' sci-fi way. Basically, The Grey (a race heard of only in rumors) have organic technology... which has perfected the blending of man and machine. The Sooni also have this, but fear it more than use it (due to thier hatred of the Grey), so it exists. There is a weapon that gets developed called a 'bracer' which has multiple things built into it. (Comm system, regenerating plasma cannon, retractable plade weapon, sensors, holo-display, etc.) It removes the need for a visor HUD... it sends the signal directly to your brain. It can even help with aiming (although it takes practice to 'let go' enough to allow it to control your movements.)

Basically, I want to keep cyber tech to a minimum among *most* people, and make it something your average player won't have, unles the specifically want to make a character that has that... aka, I want a cyberware user to be unique (or seen that way). That's all.

Hope you could get intelligable sentences out of that rambling responce.. :-p

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The popular videogame "Doom" is based loosely around the time Satan borrowed two bucks from Vin Diesel and forgot to pay him back.

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« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2005, 09:42:09 pm »
WE ARE THE BORG......sorry, I had to. Cybernetics would be cool, and it's probably a question not worth posting, but what types of enhancements would be available though cybernetic enhancements? Enhanced accuracy, faster mental computation, strength modifiers, etc.? Personally I think the coolest implant would be the "standard" neural implant to allow brain-computer interaction (if anybody's seen the series Andromeda, think the connection Harper has), but how would that connect with a players stats? Just straight number addition/subtraction or would the rest of the players stats determine how that implant affects things? Say person A gets enhanced strength in his arms. That would, in effect, modify the strength of the player but would it also subtract from the health/constitution of the player?

That's another question I've had. Say you create a player who's bound to a wheelchair, would that add to their stats at all? I'd say yes and no. It would add a bonus to their strength in the arms and upper torso, but that also adds "dead weight" to the player. I guess that would imply that a players stats would have "universal" stats thoughout the body but different modifiers per limb. This could also lead to how player damage is dealt with, but with is player creation rather then player destruction  :roll:

As a side question, if players could have the option for "sexual recreation", would that affect their stats @ all? (what's a good thread without a sexual comment?) :twisted:

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