Well, I think we can. CS is amazing when it comes to the raw polygon crunching ability. With no potimizations, or level of detail, I get about 12 FPS on my laptop (which gets about 7 or 8 on Unreal Tornament 2004) on a map with about 80k pollys. Yeah, in Halflife about 700 polys brings my laptop to it's knees. Go figure.
Now, that doesn't directly answer your question. CS hasn't been focusd on the pretty so much as the pretty fast, andother engines, like Ogre3D have out 'shined' it for a while. That doesn't mean anything though. CS has all the framework for allowing us to creat some tight looking things. Here, I'll link ot a few screenshots, and then to the CS screenshot page. These are all from projects (which are all unfinished) that have decided to share screenshots. I will also link to two movies showing what CS can do.
CG Shader Test. No normal smoothing applied
Parralax Shader Test
Water Test
Deus Irae
Deus Irael
4DThose are just an example of what CS can do. All of those are using older version of CS as well. They have ban making masive imporvemtns, and are gearing up for 1.0.. which will be a huge boone to us. Yes, Virginia, we shall have teh shiney.
For more Screenshots, sheck this out:
http://community.crystalspace3d.org/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=5Also check out the movies page:
http://www.crystalspace3d.org/tikiwiki/tiki-directory_browse.php?parent=2So, does that answer your questions?