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Corrupt a Wish...

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--- Quote from: Erica on October 10, 2008, 06:27:31 am ---it is nutritious....but your mom yells at you instead..

i wish that i had NES games NOW!!!!

--- End quote ---

You receive the requested NES games. Your NES bursts in to flames when you insert the first of the 10 most awesome NES games ever. Your hand is badly burned and you run out of the room to get a fire extinguisher. You find the fire extinguisher and point it at the NES to put out the flames, but naught but a hiss of air and little toy snakes fly out of it. You drop it and run for the hills like a madman, as your house has now become a roaring inferno.

Out of the distance you can hear the rumble of horses' feet and the cries of a mongol horde...

I wish I had a 12 pack of coca-cola.

You do, but there is arsenic in one of them...not sure which one though.

I wish that gizmo didn't spell so bad!


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