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Corrupt a Wish...

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--- Quote from: Fated on May 28, 2008, 11:46:02 am ---Wish granted. You get hit by a car and break both arms. Everyone refers to you as Gimpy McGimp for the rest of your days, but at least you don't have to take the Final.

I wish I had some chewing gum.

--- End quote ---
You find a piece on a sidewalk, pick it up, put it in your mouth, and begin to chew.

Months later you get a blood test done and find out that you have contracted several diseases, only one of which is known to mankind and none of which are curable.. You spend the rest of your life in a hospital on a university campus being studied by doctors and having tests done on you. You die a lonely man with all those who loved you having abandoned you and are buried under a tree in a field with only your close relatives in attendance.

Your grave is never visited thereafter.

Did I forget to mention that I wish I didn't have a final in an hour and a half now?

Wish granted, but your sense of time got completely fucked up from here on out. You believe to have an exam in an hour and a half when in reality it is actually fifteen minutes away. You realize this and scramble to get to your exam in time, not paying attention to where you're going you get hit by a pick-up truck. Unfortunately, with your sense of time completely fucked up, the rest of your senses got that way as well. You felt a little bit of pain but you didn't realize that your leg was actually broken clean off. You make it to your exam, and you finish the test an hour before anyone else. You walk it up to your professor with a wide smile on your face. Your professor looks you in the eye and says "I cannot accept this exam". You go into a rage and scream 'Why in the hell can you not take my exam?". He throws the exam down on the desk and hisses, "Because it was supposed to be in pencil, you douche."

I wish that I wasn't so tired.

Yeah but then you were dopped up on caffine pills and then eventually speed and well from there you met elvis. He still likes to "shake it" which had become you new ultimate nightmare and then you went through a series of stages on what life would be like with no sleep. Then you woke up from your disterbing dream and decided to drink a dr pepper.

I wish women would stop making my head hurt.

Wish granted but then men would be making your head hurt.  :shmoopy:

I wish my throat didn't hurt.

Your throat no longer hurts, but now it's the only thing that doesnt hurt.  :angryscream:

I wish I had internet at home.


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